[Paraview-developers] Building Examples -

Alexandre Ancel alexandre.ancel at cemosis.fr
Wed Nov 19 09:55:47 EST 2014

Hello Chiranjib,

First I am not a Paraview developer, just a simple user that also uses a
self-compiled version of ParaView.

Regarding to your problem, I tested building the examples by adding the
-DBUILD_EXAMPLES:BOOL=ON to my locally built ParaView.

I think that Step 3 in your build process is wrong. You do not have to
reexecute the cmake command in the Examples/All subdirectory. The examples
are built as a subproject, so all you need to do normally is to enable them
in cmake and then go to the Examples/All directory and type make. That did
the trick for me and I was able to build the examples provided with
Paraview (being generated in the bin and lib directories of the base build

Hope it helps in your developments,

Best regards,

Alexandre Ancel

On Wed, Nov 19, 2014 at 1:15 PM, Chiranjib Sur <sur.chiranjib at gmail.com>

> Hi All,
> I am trying to build a full tree of paraview(v4.2.0) locally with
> Examples with the intention of developing my own plugin. I started
> afresh with downloading the paraview source and building from scratch.
> I followed the following steps :
> 1. Extracted the source and create a build directory under the source.
> Then I run cmake to build the Makefile with the following option :
> where I declare INSTALLDIR and SRC_DIR myself.
> 2. Then I run "make" to build the tree and the process terminates
> without any error.
> 3. Once I build the main paraview tree, I found that  "Examples"
> directory is created with CMakeLists.txt file inside that. I run the
> following from the build location :
> cmake <path for Examples/ where CMakeLits.txt exists>
> After completion of this level "Examples/All" is created under the
> build location which contains the file "CMakeCache.txt and " and the
> direcotry "CMakeFiles" but none of the plugins are getting generated.
> Am I doing something wrong or there are some alternative methods to
> build the examples for Paraview ?
> I was looking for the other threads for an answer but could not found
> one that solves my problem.
> If anyone can give me some pointers about how to build Paraview +
> Examples which can work as a basic platform for my plugin development,
> I will be very thankful.
> Thanks for your time and the help.
> Chiranjib
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Alexandre Ancel
Docteur, Ingénieur de recherche / Phd, Research Engineer
Cemosis <http://www.cemosis.fr> - alexandre.ancel at cemosis.fr
Tel: +33 (0)3 68 8*5 02 06*
IRMA - 7, rue René Descartes
67 000 Strasbourg, France
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