[Paraview-developers] Building Examples -

Chiranjib Sur sur.chiranjib at gmail.com
Thu Nov 20 00:44:05 EST 2014

Hi Ancel,
Thanks for your reply.
I followed your steps. I can get Examples/All after the first set of
build but to run "make" at that directory,

I need to have a "Makefile" there, which doesn't exist for this case.
My build/Examples/All contain the file "CMakeCache.txt" and the folder

Threfore, in a nutshell, I am back to square one with no example
libraries built.

Any more pointers ?
Thanks again for your suggestions.


On Wed, Nov 19, 2014 at 8:25 PM, Alexandre Ancel
<alexandre.ancel at cemosis.fr> wrote:
> Hello Chiranjib,
> First I am not a Paraview developer, just a simple user that also uses a
> self-compiled version of ParaView.
> Regarding to your problem, I tested building the examples by adding the
> -DBUILD_EXAMPLES:BOOL=ON to my locally built ParaView.
> I think that Step 3 in your build process is wrong. You do not have to
> reexecute the cmake command in the Examples/All subdirectory. The examples
> are built as a subproject, so all you need to do normally is to enable them
> in cmake and then go to the Examples/All directory and type make. That did
> the trick for me and I was able to build the examples provided with Paraview
> (being generated in the bin and lib directories of the base build dir).
> Hope it helps in your developments,
> Best regards,
> Alexandre Ancel
> On Wed, Nov 19, 2014 at 1:15 PM, Chiranjib Sur <sur.chiranjib at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I am trying to build a full tree of paraview(v4.2.0) locally with
>> Examples with the intention of developing my own plugin. I started
>> afresh with downloading the paraview source and building from scratch.
>> I followed the following steps :
>> 1. Extracted the source and create a build directory under the source.
>> Then I run cmake to build the Makefile with the following option :
>> where I declare INSTALLDIR and SRC_DIR myself.
>> 2. Then I run "make" to build the tree and the process terminates
>> without any error.
>> 3. Once I build the main paraview tree, I found that  "Examples"
>> directory is created with CMakeLists.txt file inside that. I run the
>> following from the build location :
>> cmake <path for Examples/ where CMakeLits.txt exists>
>> After completion of this level "Examples/All" is created under the
>> build location which contains the file "CMakeCache.txt and " and the
>> direcotry "CMakeFiles" but none of the plugins are getting generated.
>> Am I doing something wrong or there are some alternative methods to
>> build the examples for Paraview ?
>> I was looking for the other threads for an answer but could not found
>> one that solves my problem.
>> If anyone can give me some pointers about how to build Paraview +
>> Examples which can work as a basic platform for my plugin development,
>> I will be very thankful.
>> Thanks for your time and the help.
>> Chiranjib
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> --
> Alexandre Ancel
> Docteur, Ingénieur de recherche / Phd, Research Engineer
> Cemosis - alexandre.ancel at cemosis.fr
> Tel: +33 (0)3 68 85 02 06
> IRMA - 7, rue René Descartes
> 67 000 Strasbourg, France

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