[Paraview-developers] Paraview save state wrong implemetation for GUI

RIVERA, Orlando Orlando.RIVERA at mtu.de
Mon Nov 10 03:55:10 EST 2014


I need again your help

I been working on a Plugin  base on vtkMultiBlockDataSetAlgorithm. It does pretty much  what I do , but I am missing something !

When I  read my data and select the blocks, it  works fine , When I save the state (File->SaveState)  the corresponding    *.psvm is written  and  when I tried to load the state, from the previous generated file , the Data is loaded as expected.

 My problem is in the GUI  .  I  have  a GUI  with a  QTreeWidget, and   the state of the previous state is not loaded (the leaves in the tree are not checked),
 I assume I have to tell the GUI  what was its previous state  .   I also assume that  the best place to do it is a the  end of  RequestData (server) : i.e  Server tells GUI  which  of its elements  have to be checked,marked ,displayed ,etc .

- How the GUI can read the state on a  pvsm?
-  Which function is responsible for recovering the state on  the GUI/client side?
- How can I drive events  on the GUI from Server ?  ( Influence the CLIENT from the server , is that possible)

Any Help  would be  greatly appreciated

Cheers !!


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