[Paraview-developers] OpenGL2 backend and ParaView

Marcus D. Hanwell marcus.hanwell at kitware.com
Thu Nov 6 09:08:38 EST 2014


There was some interest in this on the list, and so I would like to
point out a topic was merged to master this morning adding limited
support for using the OpenGL2 backend. I would like to stress that it
is far from ready for production use, several features are disabled,
and it needs more work to be able to replace the existing backend.

I have tested it by turning off all plugins, testing, and if you want
Python support you need to disable ParaViewWeb. So far I have only had
chance to try building it on Linux and Mac. You can select OpenGL2
from the list of VTK_RENDERING_BACKENDS and then keep your fingers

I will write a fuller post some time soon, the polygonal rendering has
some big speed ups. There are warnings being output from the rendering
code, and they should be cleaned up soon. It would be great to get
feedback from the brave few who want to try it out.



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