[Paraview-developers] IceT compositing in paraview

Biddiscombe, John A. biddisco at cscs.ch
Wed Jul 30 12:04:40 EDT 2014


If I understand correctly, you are looking to either turn off the IceT compositing since you are doing it yourself or to use IceT to composite using your custom operator.

yes that's about right.

IceT supports a mode that will in effect turn off compositing. I think the ParaView representation/view classes support turning this on for the case when geometry is collected. Utkarsh would know better than me how to turn this on in ParaView.

Good. turning it off would be one way to go and is probably the easiest method. It will still leave us with a 'poor' implementation using MPIReduce, but at least there's not a second composite step. The downside is that it precludes the possibility that we might combine the splotch render with another dataset rendered using standard mappers. currently I set the z position of the generated image to the far clipping plane and then other geometries are overlaid on top, this is the best I can hope for without a lot of complex depth tests which would require a mapper having access to multiple datasets.
If turning off the compositing is easy then we'll do that for now, but ...

The second mode of using IceT with your custom composite operation is not directly supported, yet. Currently IceT only supports the hard coded operations of Z compare and alpha blending. That said, adding a custom compositing mode should be pretty straightforward. I'd be willing to add that core capability to IceT if someone else was willing to add corresponding changes to the ParaView code.

OK, this would be great although I suspect my issue from above, that combining the splotch render with another dataset would break mixing of those datasets. I knew that this would be a problem, but I secretly hoped that you'd suggest some other method. I tried fooling iceT by manually calling IceTSetCompositeMode etce tc, but didn't have any luck. If Utkarsh knows how to disable the compositing then I may be able to modify the technique to achive something interesting.

new idea :
What about this : the blend operator is something like pix1*alpha + pix2*(1-alpha). if order was not important, would it be doable for us to premultiply each pixel by N(=numranks), set alpha for each pixel to 0.5 and then we'd get 1/N contributions all equally weighted and scaled by N to bring back the original image? I could reuse the zoltan partiioning stuff I worked on before to do an efficient redistribution and then use a standard blend mode and bypass the paraview data redistribution using our kdtree from zoltan. This ought tow work. I'll give it a try. Mind you if the blend operation is different, then I may need a new plan...

thanks for the feedback

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