[Paraview-developers] IceT compositing in paraview

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Wed Jul 30 14:45:51 EDT 2014

> If Utkarsh
> knows how to disable the compositing then I may be able to modify the
> technique to achive something interesting.

Alright, I'm a little rusty here but hopefully this should give you
enough pointers to start digging in:

- vtkPVSynchronizedRenderer is created by vtkPVRenderView. It's used
to do the "parallel rendering" among MPI ranks as well as
- Among MPI ranks, this class will create either
vtkIceTSynchronizedRenderers if this->DisableIceT is false and
ParaView is compiled with IceT enabled. Otherwise
vtkCompositedSynchronizedRenderers is used.
- vtkCompositedSynchronizedRenderers uses the legacy vtkTreeCompositer
to do the image compositing.

One way would be to add a new mode to vtkPVSynchronizedRenderer to
just use vtkSynchronizedRenderers instead of
vtkCompositedSynchronizedRenderers or vtkIceTSynchronizedRenderers
that does the "parallel rendering" without the compositing.


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