[Paraview-developers] Headtracking and camera settings

Jean-Noël Chiganne jean-noel.chiganne at limsi.fr
Tue May 15 12:26:29 EDT 2012

> What is your coordinate system like as far as your tracking system is
> concerned? If it does not match what ParView expects then you will
> face these issues.

In the pvx file, I put the CAVE coordinates in the tracker space, because
TrackerTransform of vtkVRPNConnection did not work properly (strange
behaviour). Maybe the matrix I put in it was wrong...

Thanks for the link to the article. I already (quikcly) read it, but I
missed some things. These day I'm working hard trying to understand how to
extend ParaView, and today an other fight was to dynamically create a slice
cut of an object by plug-in code, still trying hehe... (I think I will soon
post an other thread with that subject :p)

Thanks for your answer !

All the best,


2012/5/15 Aashish Chaudhary <aashish.chaudhary at kitware.com>

> On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 3:29 AM, Jean-Noël Chiganne
> <jean-noel.chiganne at limsi.fr> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I tried using Head Traking (VRPlugin vtkVRStyleTracking) in a CAVE with
> > and the pvx file for the screens (stereo mode crystal eyes).
> > Two nodes as server and a PC as client. What surprised me is that I have
> a
> > 3D window on the client where I can control a camera, and it has an
> impact
> > on the scene displaying on the CAVE !
> > I thought Headtracking was disabling other camera interactionw, because
> it
> > seems to cause some conflicts in adaptative and stereo vision.
> We don't disable it but you are right that it does conflict and hence
> its use is not recommended.
> I had to
> > "fight" with camera settings in Paraview menu to have something good, and
> > the vertical rotation of the head was not properly processed.
> What is your coordinate system like as far as your tracking system is
> concerned? If it does not match what ParView expects then you will
> face these issues.
> >
> > Is there some tricks to know to have a full working head tracking ? What
> > does the "HeadPose" property of the RenderWindow exactly modified ?
> This is proxy related code. For a general overview have a look at this
> article: http://www.kitware.com/source/home/post/66
> >
> > All the best,
> >
> > Jean-Noël
> >
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> --
> | Aashish Chaudhary
> | R&D Engineer
> | Kitware Inc.
> | www.kitware.com
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