[Paraview-developers] Headtracking and camera settings

Jean-Noël Chiganne jean-noel.chiganne at limsi.fr
Tue May 15 03:29:52 EDT 2012

Hi all,

I tried using Head Traking (VRPlugin vtkVRStyleTracking) in a CAVE with MPI
and the pvx file for the screens (stereo mode crystal eyes).
Two nodes as server and a PC as client. What surprised me is that I have a
3D window on the client where I can control a camera, and it has an impact
on the scene displaying on the CAVE !
I thought Headtracking was disabling other camera interactionw, because it
seems to cause some conflicts in adaptative and stereo vision. I had to
"fight" with camera settings in Paraview menu to have something good, and
the vertical rotation of the head was not properly processed.

Is there some tricks to know to have a full working head tracking ? What
does the "HeadPose" property of the RenderWindow exactly modified ?

All the best,

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