[Paraview-developers] Headtracking and camera settings

Nikhil Shetty nikhil.shetty at kitware.com
Tue May 15 12:04:23 EDT 2012

Hi Jean-Noël,

On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 3:29 AM, Jean-Noël Chiganne <
jean-noel.chiganne at limsi.fr> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I tried using Head Traking (VRPlugin vtkVRStyleTracking) in a CAVE with
> MPI and the pvx file for the screens (stereo mode crystal eyes).
> Two nodes as server and a PC as client. What surprised me is that I have a
> 3D window on the client where I can control a camera, and it has an impact
> on the scene displaying on the CAVE !
> I thought Headtracking was disabling other camera interactionw, because it
> seems to cause some conflicts in adaptative and stereo vision. I had to
> "fight" with camera settings in Paraview menu to have something good, and
> the vertical rotation of the head was not properly processed.
Is there some tricks to know to have a full working head tracking ? What
> does the "HeadPose" property of the RenderWindow exactly modified ?
The client 3D window still has an impact on scene that is to be able to use
the client as a sort of a controller to not only set the pipeline also to
move things around (for using a tablet  to drive a cave etc). Head
 tracking (and HeadPose) primarily deals with the projection matrix and is
updated with each tracking input. Camera manipulations deals with changing
the model-view matrix. So head tracking does not disable the camera and all
other interactions should be possible.

Could you save out your pvx file and take a snapshot of the camera settings
and send the files to me?

> All the best,
> Jean-Noël
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