[Paraview-developers] Retrieve VTK data from pqPipelineSource

Joe Ping-Lin Hsiao phsiao at cs.unc.edu
Mon Jan 30 16:55:43 EST 2012

I am still stuck on this problem. Any suggestion?

On Sun, Jan 1, 2012 at 5:20 PM, Joe Ping-Lin Hsiao <phsiao at cs.unc.edu> wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there any way to retrieve VTK data pointers (e.g. vtkImageData)
> from pqPipelineSource?
> The thing that I am planing to do is keeping all the pointers of the
> loaded image stacks, so later I'll be able to color one data with
> another data set's scalar array. Which color array to use will be
> determined by user through a QComboBox.
> Right now I have a slot function receiving the signal
> "pqApplicationCore::instance()->getObjectBuilder()->sourceCreated(pqPipelineSource*)"
> whenever a source is created, but I couldn't find a way to get the
> vtkImageData from pqPipelineSource.
> The closest post I found is a 2008 thread where
> vtkSMClientDeliveryRepresentationProxy was suggested:
> http://www.cmake.org/pipermail/paraview/2008-February/007057.html
> But seems like there's no examples of
> vtkSMClientDeliveryRepresentationProxy in ParaView 3.12.0.
> Any suggestion?

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