[Paraview-developers] Upcoming changes to ParaView Server Manager

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Thu Apr 21 09:22:20 EDT 2011

> not really a new api, only some extra xml tags in SMCommandProperty
>  virtual int ReadXMLAttributes(vtkSMProxy* parent,
>                                vtkPVXMLElement* element);
> and overridden default params in SMDataExportProperty
>  void SetDefaultValue(const char *def);

In that case, you're right. You don't need new SI* classes at all.

> well this means, I can just tell it to use vtkSIIntVectorProperty for one, and vtkStringVectorProperty for the other yes? - rather than entering this in every XML file, couldn't I tell the SMXXXPropertyclass to add it to the xml so that the relevant SI class was picked up automatically?

Alas no. Currently you have to specify it in XML.


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