[Paraview-developers] Upcoming changes to ParaView Server Manager

Biddiscombe, John A. biddisco at cscs.ch
Thu Apr 21 09:41:47 EDT 2011

Alas no. Currently you have to specify it in XML.

OK. However, grepping for si_class in the source, I see that information helpers have theirs overridden like so
      propElement->SetAttribute("si_class", "vtkSIDataArrayProperty");
which seems to do what I want.

but ...
which leads me to a new question.

I have a number of information only XML helper items that I would like to get rid of.

Suppose my class (in VTK) sets an ivar like Time (and I have a TimeInfo information_
only helper to get it)

    double tval[1] = { -1.0 };
    vtkSMPropertyHelper time(this->Internals->DSMProxyHelper, "TimeInfo");
Can I get rid of these information only properties now, and just use the same Time variable that is for Set as for Get?

thanks for all your help


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