[Paraview-developers] Upcoming changes to ParaView Server Manager

Biddiscombe, John A. biddisco at cscs.ch
Thu Apr 21 09:07:26 EDT 2011


In my mind, SI* stuff is simply the vtkClientServerStream part from
vtkSMProperty subclass moved to a separate class. Now SMProperty and
SIProperty need to talk to each other and that's done using protobuf
state messages.

OK. I actually don't really understand most of that stuff and just copy/paste as needed.

Are your property subclasses adding new API or simply changing how the
stream is being constructed to update the VTK object? If latter then
you can get by with just using the SIProperty subclass.

not really a new api, only some extra xml tags in SMCommandProperty
  virtual int ReadXMLAttributes(vtkSMProxy* parent,
                                vtkPVXMLElement* element);
and overridden default params in SMDataExportProperty
  void SetDefaultValue(const char *def);

In the xml, you tell which SI* class to create using the si_class attribute.

If you have any specific questions, feel free to holler.

well this means, I can just tell it to use vtkSIIntVectorProperty for one, and vtkStringVectorProperty for the other yes? - rather than entering this in every XML file, couldn't I tell the SMXXXPropertyclass to add it to the xml so that the relevant SI class was picked up automatically?

[NB. I also have a DataExportDomain. I think I could have used a StringVectorProperty and DataExportDomain, but I had some problems and just added a new property too. I had trouble deciding whether a new domain was enough, or a whole new property was required. I find a lot of the deep internals quite confusing and end up getting something that works, then discovering a year later there was a much easier way of doing it.]


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