[Insight-users] lost origin and direction information when writing image to dicom or analyze format

Kent Williams kent at psychiatry.uiowa.edu
Fri Sep 29 13:15:46 EDT 2006

The Analyze format does not save an image origin, so the image origin 
will always read in as 0,0,0. This is not an ITK problem, but a 
deficiency of the file format.

Unless you have programs that only read Analyze image files, you'll be 
much better off to use the NIfTI file format. NIfTI is arguably the most 
compact and convenient image format to use for medical imaging.  It 
saves orientation, origin, and spacing in a well-defined format. It also 
supports a wide range of pixel formats, including vector and complex data.

For really exotic pixel formats that NIfTI doesn't support, the 
MetaImage format is your best bet.

Zhiyong Xie wrote:
> I have tried to output itkImage to dicom or analyze file. I noticed 
> that the origin and direction information
> are missing in the outputed image. anyone have same experience? how to 
> fix this problem?
> Thanks
> Sean

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