[Insight-users] how to read the output deformation file

Guorong Wu grwu at sjtu.edu.cn
Mon Mar 7 09:12:43 EST 2005

Hello ITK:
    I've performed a non-rigid registration algorithm of ITK (DeformableRegistration5.cxx) and got the deformation file. I want to write a C program outside of ITK to read this output file. But I don't know how this output deformation file is organized. Would you help me? thanks.			

        Guorong Wu
        grwu at sjtu.edu.cn

Guorong Wu	
The Department of Computer Science and Technology
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
1954 Huashan RD
Shanghai China    
Tel:  +86 21 3226 1236  , 6293 2089

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