[Insight-users] Image similarity]

George Iordanescu giordanescu at cmr.nunet.net
Fri Jul 16 19:43:13 EDT 2004

Hi Luis,

Thank you for the refresher course in Information theory. :)

You are right, MI has nothing to do with [-1,1] range. For some reason I
was thinking about the metric as a cross-correlation coefficient - which
of course is wrong. 

The reason why the bit the unit of information and the bit as a symbol
of binary encoding are somehow the same thing, is given by information
transmission rather than storage. When you transmit a bit over a
channel, and on the other side of the channel you read 0 or 1, it means
you actually find out that an event with probability 0.5 just happened.
The quantity of information you get when an event takes place is given
by -log2(p) => so you actually get 1 bit of info. When you have a
hard-drive of 10 GB, it means you can store/read 10 G bytes, or 80
gigabits = 80 giga of events that have 0.5 probability of being 1 or 0. 

Thank you for the new application that computes the entropy. 


On Fri, 2004-07-16 at 16:38, Luis Ibanez wrote:
> Hi George,
> A) About the bounds for Mutual Information:
>     Mutual Information it *is not* supposed to
>     be in the range [-1:1]. !!
>     When you consider the pixel values of
>     images A and B to be random variables,
>     "a" and "b"; and estimate the entropy of
>     their distributions you get
>      H(A) = - Sum( p(a)* log2( p(a) ) )
>      H(B) = - Sum( p(b)* log2( p(b) ) )
>     Note that log2 is the logarithm in base
>     two, not the natural logarigthm that
>     unfortunately is commonly used.
>     When you use log2(), the Units of entropy
>     are "bit"s. It is again unfortunate that
>     the usage of "bit" as unit of information
>     measurement has been distorted in order
>     to become the a symbol for binary encoding,
>     or a unit of measurement for raw capacity
>     of memory storage (along with its derivatives
>     the byte, KiloByte, MegaByte... )
>     A digital image whose pixels are encoded in
>     pixels of M bits, can have 2^M different grayscale
>     values in a pixel and therfore its entropy can go
>     up to the maximum theoretical value of log2(2^M)
>     which, not coincidentally is equal to M.
>     In other words, if you compute the entropy of
>     an image with PixelType unsigned char, whose
>     pixels have grayscale values following a uniform
>     distribution, the maximum value that you can get
>     is "8", and if you want to be formal, you should
>     mention the units and say:
>     The Entropy of this images is:    "8 bits"
>     In practice, of course you get lower values.
>     For example the Entropy of the well known Lena
>     image (the cropped version that is politicaly
>     correct) is
>            Lena Entropy  = 7.44 bits
>      Now if you consider the mutual information measure,
>      you have the following situation:
>         Mutual Information = H(A) + H(B) - H(A,B)
>                MI(A,B)     = H(A) + H(B) - H(A,B)
>      In general, both H(A) and H(B) are bounded between
>      [0:M] where "M" is the number of bits used for
>      encoding their pixels.
>         H(A,B) is in theory bounded in [0:M^2]
>      Note that if you use histograms with *less* bins
>      than the actual digital encoding of the image,
>      then your estimation of Entropy is bounded by
>      the number of bins in your Histogram. !
>      For example if you use a histogram with 20 bins
>      instead of 256 in order to estimate Lena's Entropy
>      you will not get 7.44 bits, but only
>                     3.99 bits
>      that reflects the fact that by quantizing the
>      gray scale values in larger bins you loseinformation
>      from the original image.
>      For the particular case of Self-similarity that you
>      are considering, the entropies H(A) and H(B) are
>      expected to be pretty much the same. Their difference
>      arise only from interpolation errors and from the
>      eventual effect of one image having corners outside
>      of the extent of the other (e.g. if the image is rotated).
>      So, in general Mutual Information will give you
>             MI(A,T(A)) = H(A) + H(T(A)) - H(A,T(A))
>       Where T(A) is the Transformed version of A. E.g. under
>       a translation, or rotation, or affine transform.
>       If T = Identiy and the interpolator is not approximating,
>       your measure of Mutual Information becomes
>               MI(A,A) = 2 H(A) - H(A,A)
>       and the joint entropy H(A,A) happens to be equal to
>       the entropy of the single image H(A), therefore the
>       expected value of Mutual Information is equal to the
>       image Entropy (of course measured in bits).
>                      MI(A,A) = H(A) bits
>       That means that if you evaluate the Mutual Information
>       measure between Lena and itself, you should get
>                        7.44 bits
>       Note that the reason why the measure of Mutual Information
>       is reported as a negative number in ITK is because traditionally
>       that has been used as a cost function for minimization.
>       However, in principle, Mutual information should be
>       reported in the range [0,H(A)], where zero corresponds
>       to two totally uncorrelated images and H(A) corresponds
>       to perfectly correlated images, case in which H(A)=H(B).
>       To summarize, note that ITK is not using log2() but
>       just log(), and note that the measure is reported as
>       a negative number.
>      We just added a simple example for computing the Entropy
>      of the pixel value distribution of an image to the
>      directory:
>         Insight/Examples/Statistics/
>                            ImageEntropy1.cxx
>      You may find interesting to play with this example.
>      E.g. you should try the effect of chaning the number
>      of bins in the histogram.
>      Note that you will have to update your CVS checkout
>      in order to get this new file.
> B) About Interpolation:
>     Cubic BSplines are approximating splines.
>     The interpolated values do not pass through
>     the nodes.
>     Linear interpolation should give you values
>     that pass through the nodes. In general linear
>     interpolation provides a good trade-off between
>     computation load and interpolation quality.
>    Please let us know if you have further questions,
>       Thanks,
>         Luis
> ---------------------------
> George Iordanescu wrote:
> > Hi Luis,
> > 
> > Thank you for your reply. 
> > 
> > Some of the spline inerpolators compute a curve that passes between
> > nodes some build a curve that passes exactly through the nodes. If the
> > itk spline interpolators are of the first type then we should indeed
> > avoid them when computing self similarity.  Linear interpolator should
> > be the best in this case since it will provide the same values in the
> > nodes but better approximations between the nodes. 
> > 
> > My function seems to work: the similarity values increase as the
> > registered image gets closer to the moving image. I can now evaluate
> > much easier the parameters for fem registration. 
> > 
> > I still do not know if self similarity values of -1.37055 are good.
> > Aren't they supposed to be between -1 and 1? 
> > 
> > Is there another metric that is more precise? 
> > 
> > Thank you very much for your help.
> > 
> > George
> > 
> > 
> > On Fri, 2004-07-16 at 09:51, Luis Ibanez wrote:
> > 
> >>Hi George,
> >>
> >>1) NearestNeighborhood interpolation *does*
> >>    take origin and spacing into account.
> >>
> >>2) The choice of the interpolator Matters
> >>    in self-similarity becuse some interpolator
> >>    are approximating. For example, BSplines
> >>    *do not* return the same value of a node
> >>    when you evaluate them in the position of
> >>    the node.
> >>
> >>3) From your message it wasn't clear if you
> >>    are still experiencing any problem, or
> >>    if your current approach is working for
> >>    your application.
> >>
> >>
> >>Please let us know if you still find any
> >>difficulties.
> >>
> >>
> >>   Regards,
> >>
> >>
> >>    Luis
> >>
> >>
> >>---------------------------
> >>George Iordanescu wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>>Hi Luis,
> >>>
> >>>Thank you for your reply. I think in general the interpolator should be
> >>>smarter than nearest neghbor, since the 2 images may have different
> >>>spacings/origins... Also,  in the case of self-similarity, the nearest
> >>>neighbor, linear interpolation and in general any other interpolation
> >>>should not make any difference, right? 
> >>>
> >>>In the mean time i found a possible eror in the my function
> >>>(SetFixedImageRegion() should use the region of the fixed image). The
> >>>new code (including the interpolator you suggested) is this:
> >>>
> >>>double Compute_3DImages_Similarity(DataManager::ImagePointer image1,
> >>>DataManager::ImagePointer image2)
> >>>{
> >>>  /**  Type of the metric. */
> >>>  //typedef itk::ImageToImageMetric< ImageType, ImageType >      
> >>>MetricType;
> >>>  typedef itk::MattesMutualInformationImageToImageMetric< ImageType,
> >>>ImageType >       MetricType;
> >>>  typedef itk::NearestNeighborInterpolateImageFunction<ImageType, double
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>>InterpolatorType ;
> >>>
> >>>  //typedef itk::LinearInterpolateImageFunction< ImageType, double >
> >>>InterpolatorType ;
> >>>  typedef  itk::IdentityTransform< double, 3 >      TransformType;
> >>>  typedef MetricType::Pointer             MetricPointer;
> >>>
> >>>  /**  Type of the Transform . */
> >>>  typedef  TransformType::Pointer         TransformPointer;
> >>>  typedef  MetricType::ParametersType     ParametersType;
> >>>  typedef  InterpolatorType::Pointer      InterpolatorPointer;
> >>>
> >>>  TransformPointer  m_Transform = TransformType::New();
> >>>  MetricType::Pointer m_Metric =  MetricType::New();
> >>>  InterpolatorPointer m_Interpolator = InterpolatorType::New();
> >>>  m_Metric->SetFixedImage( image1 );
> >>>  m_Metric->SetMovingImage( image2 );
> >>>  m_Metric->SetTransform( m_Transform );
> >>>  m_Metric->SetInterpolator( m_Interpolator );
> >>>  const unsigned int dummyspaceDimension =
> >>>    m_Metric->GetNumberOfParameters();
> >>>  ParametersType dummyPosition(dummyspaceDimension) ;
> >>>  for( unsigned int i=0; i<dummyspaceDimension; i++){
> >>>      dummyPosition[i] = 0;
> >>>  }
> >>>  m_Metric->SetFixedImageRegion( image1->GetLargestPossibleRegion() );
> >>>
> >>>  m_Metric->Initialize();
> >>>
> >>>  double simi = m_Metric->GetValue(dummyPosition);
> >>>  return simi;
> >>>}
> >>>
> >>>These are the new results:
> >>>
> >>>Before the registration:
> >>>Dbg: Similarity between fixed image and itself = -1.32591
> >>>Dbg: Similarity between moving image  and itself = -1.37055
> >>>Dbg: Similarity between moving and fixed image = -0.561616
> >>>
> >>>Registration evolution:
> >>>Dbg: Rigid registration INITIAL centered versor transform:
> >>>[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
> >>>
> >>>Dbg: 1 = -0.435078 : [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
> >>>Dbg: 4 = -0.455245 : [-0.000998133, -0.00459843, -0.00371794,
> >>>-0.0260141, -0.312529, 0.38784]
> >>>Dbg: 8 = -0.522174 : [0.00233522, -0.00242162, 0.000783394, -1.412,
> >>>0.610578, 0.187857]
> >>>Dbg: 13 = -0.554342 : [-4.22208e-05, 0.000137454, 0.0032345, -1.26255,
> >>>-0.195143, -0.307137]
> >>>Dbg: 244 = -0.559978 : [-0.00272003, 0.00371769, 0.00131278, -1.32268,
> >>>-0.105536, -0.0930287]
> >>>Dbg: 426 = -0.562566 : [-0.00261726, 0.011476, 0.00557111, -1.07907,
> >>>-0.185965, 0.139911]
> >>>Dbg: Rigid registration FINAL centered versor transform:
> >>>[-0.00261726, 0.011476, 0.00557111, -1.07907, -0.185965, 0.139911]
> >>>
> >>>Dbg: Rigid registration FINAL affine transform:
> >>>[0.999675, -0.0112013, 0.0229208, 0.0110812, 0.999924, 0.00536195,
> >>>-0.0229791, -0.00510621, 0.999723, -0.904836, -0.624775, 1.12567]
> >>>
> >>>After registration:
> >>>Dbg: Simi moving image - registered image = -0.587385; 
> >>>Simi fixed image - registered image = -0.659573
> >>>
> >>>In the lines above, 426 = -0.562566 : [-0.00261726, 0.011476,
> >>>0.00557111, -1.07907, -0.185965, 0.139911]
> >>>means that at iteration 426, the cost function was -0.562566 and the crt
> >>>transform was [-0.00261726, 0.011476, 0.00557111, -1.07907, -0.185965,
> >>>0.139911]
> >>>
> >>>My images (MRI) are 256*256*20, their spacing is [0.273438  0.273438  1]
> >>>and one image is obtained by flipping the other on the X axis. There is
> >>>a 4 to 5 pixels horizontal misalignement between them, that I am able to
> >>>fix using the rigid registration. After this, I was hoping to high-light
> >>>the activation area by FEM registration followed by substraction and
> >>>thresholding (to keep only, lets say, the negative values).
> >>>
> >>>I am using the RigidRegistrator from the
> >>>LandmarkInitializedMutualInformationRegistration example from ITK.
> >>>
> >>>George
> >>> 
> >>>On Tue, 2004-07-13 at 16:44, Luis Ibanez wrote:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>>Hi George,
> >>>>
> >>>>Please try using the NearestNeighorhood interpolator instead of
> >>>>the LinearInterpolator.  In that way you should be able to get
> >>>>closer to the the theoretical values for self-similarity.
> >>>>
> >>>>Note that you will not get the perfect -1, because the Mutual
> >>>>Information Metrics can only produce "estimates" of the joint 
> >>>>probability distributions, so even when computing the metric
> >>>>for two identical images, the estimation process will result in
> >>>>values that do not math the theoretical value.
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>Could you be more specific regarding the "rigid registration app"
> >>>>that you tried ?  there are actually several of them in ITK.
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>Thanks
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>   Luis
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>-------------------------
> >>>>George Iordanescu wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>>Hi Luis,
> >>>>>
> >>>>>Thank you for your quick reply. Below is the function I wrote and it
> >>>>>seems to work somehow... I started with 2 3D images whose similarity was
> >>>>>-0.51411. Also:
> >>>>>Similarity between fixed image and itself = -1.32591
> >>>>>Similarity between moving image  and itself = -1.37055
> >>>>>
> >>>>>After rigid registration : 
> >>>>>Similarity between  moving image and registered image = -0.782605;
> >>>>>Similarity between fixed image  and registered image = -0.651837 ;
> >>>>>
> >>>>>I am a bit surprised by the self-similarity values for the fixed and
> >>>>>moving image. Aren't they supposed to be between -1 and 1? 
> >>>>>
> >>>>>Also, the rigid registration app (that uses the same type of metric and
> >>>>>interpolator as my function) reports  a metric value -0.435078 for the
> >>>>>first iteration (transform parameters are [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]). This
> >>>>>value is close to the -0.51411 computed by my function but still a bit
> >>>>>different. I guess there is some variation in the results provided by
> >>>>>the metric.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>I do not know as much as I would like about template programming but I
> >>>>>will try to write a class templated over the Metric type and the
> >>>>>Interpolator type.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>Thank you.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>George
> >>>>>
> >>>>>-------------defined in DataManager class-----------
> >>>>> typedef signed long                   ImagePixelType;
> >>>>> typedef itk::Image<ImagePixelType,3>  ImageType;
> >>>>> typedef ImageType::Pointer            ImagePointer ;
> >>>>>----------------------------------------------------
> >>>>>
> >>>>>double Compute_3DImages_Similarity(DataManager::ImagePointer image1,
> >>>>>DataManager::ImagePointer image2)
> >>>>>{
> >>>>>
> >>>>> /**  Type of the metric. */
> >>>>> //typedef itk::ImageToImageMetric< ImageType, ImageType >      
> >>>>>MetricType;
> >>>>> typedef itk::MattesMutualInformationImageToImageMetric< ImageType,
> >>>>>ImageType >       MetricType;
> >>>>> typedef itk::LinearInterpolateImageFunction< ImageType, double >
> >>>>>InterpolatorType ;
> >>>>> typedef  itk::IdentityTransform< double, 3 >      TransformType;
> >>>>> typedef MetricType::Pointer             MetricPointer;
> >>>>>
> >>>>> /**  Type of the Transform . */
> >>>>> typedef  TransformType::Pointer         TransformPointer;
> >>>>> typedef  MetricType::ParametersType     ParametersType;
> >>>>> typedef  InterpolatorType::Pointer      InterpolatorPointer;
> >>>>>
> >>>>> TransformPointer  m_Transform = TransformType::New();
> >>>>> MetricType::Pointer m_Metric =  MetricType::New();
> >>>>> InterpolatorPointer m_Interpolator = InterpolatorType::New();
> >>>>> m_Metric->SetMovingImage( image1 );
> >>>>> m_Metric->SetFixedImage( image2 );
> >>>>> m_Metric->SetTransform( m_Transform );
> >>>>> m_Metric->SetInterpolator( m_Interpolator );
> >>>>> m_Metric->SetFixedImageRegion( image1->GetLargestPossibleRegion() );
> >>>>>
> >>>>> const unsigned int dummyspaceDimension =
> >>>>>   m_Metric->GetNumberOfParameters();
> >>>>> ParametersType dummyPosition(dummyspaceDimension) ;
> >>>>> for( unsigned int i=0; i<dummyspaceDimension; i++){
> >>>>>     dummyPosition[i] = 0;
> >>>>> }
> >>>>>
> >>>>> m_Metric->Initialize();
> >>>>>
> >>>>> double simi = m_Metric->GetValue(dummyPosition);
> >>>>> return simi;
> >>>>>}
> >>>>>
> >>>>>On Mon, 2004-07-12 at 19:17, Luis Ibanez wrote:
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>>>Hi George,
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>You can use any of the current ImageToImage metrics,
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>http://www.itk.org/Insight/Doxygen/html/group__RegistrationMetrics.html
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>and simply set
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> Interpolator = NearestNeighborhoodInterpolator
> >>>>>>> Transform    = IdentityTransform
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>If you find annoying to have to do this every time,
> >>>>>>>you could write a class templated over the Metric
> >>>>>>>type, that will do this initializations for you.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>This new class will have a GetValue() method without
> >>>>>>>parameters that will simply invoke the GetValue() method
> >>>>>>>of the real metric with a dummy array of parameters.
> >>>>>>>You can use a dummy array because the IdentityTransform
> >>>>>>>do not require parameters.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>In this way you can easily switch among any of the
> >>>>>>>twelve or so image metrics in ITK and dont have to
> >>>>>>>worry about the extra componets required for integration
> >>>>>>>with the registration framework.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>You may want to contribute such a class to the toolkit
> >>>>>>>since it may prove to be useful to other ITK users.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>Please let us now if you need any assistance for
> >>>>>>>writing this new class.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>  Thanks
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>     Luis
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>--------------------------
> >>>>>>>George Iordanescu wrote:
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>Hello everybody,
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>I would like to compute a number that describes the similarity degree
> >>>>>>>>between two images. I am thinking about a simple class that should have
> >>>>>>>>two methods SetImage1/2 and then ComputeSimilarity().
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>I was hoping a child of ImageToImageMetric would do, but it seems to
> >>>>>>>>need more inputs than just two images. Apparently, after setting the
> >>>>>>>>images (and the Interpolator and the (identity) transform),  I cannot
> >>>>>>>>call GetValue without passing some parameters that make little sense in
> >>>>>>>>the context of just two images. Is there any other class (filter) that
> >>>>>>>>will compute the similarity between two images? Is there any example
> >>>>>>>>about how to use a ImageToImageMetric for such a purpose?
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>Such a class could be very useful when trying to find the best set of
> >>>>>>>>registration parameters. One could register an image using multiple sets
> >>>>>>>>of parameters and then we could select the best set by looking at the
> >>>>>>>>similarity between the registered image and the fixed image.
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>Any suggestion will be highly appreciated.
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>Thank you.
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>George
> >>>>>>>>
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