[Insight-users] Image similarity]

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Fri Jul 16 17:38:31 EDT 2004

Hi George,

A) About the bounds for Mutual Information:

    Mutual Information it *is not* supposed to
    be in the range [-1:1]. !!

    When you consider the pixel values of
    images A and B to be random variables,
    "a" and "b"; and estimate the entropy of
    their distributions you get

     H(A) = - Sum( p(a)* log2( p(a) ) )
     H(B) = - Sum( p(b)* log2( p(b) ) )

    Note that log2 is the logarithm in base
    two, not the natural logarigthm that
    unfortunately is commonly used.

    When you use log2(), the Units of entropy
    are "bit"s. It is again unfortunate that
    the usage of "bit" as unit of information
    measurement has been distorted in order
    to become the a symbol for binary encoding,
    or a unit of measurement for raw capacity
    of memory storage (along with its derivatives
    the byte, KiloByte, MegaByte... )

    A digital image whose pixels are encoded in
    pixels of M bits, can have 2^M different grayscale
    values in a pixel and therfore its entropy can go
    up to the maximum theoretical value of log2(2^M)
    which, not coincidentally is equal to M.

    In other words, if you compute the entropy of
    an image with PixelType unsigned char, whose
    pixels have grayscale values following a uniform
    distribution, the maximum value that you can get
    is "8", and if you want to be formal, you should
    mention the units and say:

    The Entropy of this images is:    "8 bits"
    In practice, of course you get lower values.
    For example the Entropy of the well known Lena
    image (the cropped version that is politicaly
    correct) is

           Lena Entropy  = 7.44 bits

     Now if you consider the mutual information measure,
     you have the following situation:

        Mutual Information = H(A) + H(B) - H(A,B)

               MI(A,B)     = H(A) + H(B) - H(A,B)

     In general, both H(A) and H(B) are bounded between
     [0:M] where "M" is the number of bits used for
     encoding their pixels.

        H(A,B) is in theory bounded in [0:M^2]

     Note that if you use histograms with *less* bins
     than the actual digital encoding of the image,
     then your estimation of Entropy is bounded by
     the number of bins in your Histogram. !

     For example if you use a histogram with 20 bins
     instead of 256 in order to estimate Lena's Entropy
     you will not get 7.44 bits, but only

                    3.99 bits

     that reflects the fact that by quantizing the
     gray scale values in larger bins you loseinformation
     from the original image.

     For the particular case of Self-similarity that you
     are considering, the entropies H(A) and H(B) are
     expected to be pretty much the same. Their difference
     arise only from interpolation errors and from the
     eventual effect of one image having corners outside
     of the extent of the other (e.g. if the image is rotated).

     So, in general Mutual Information will give you

            MI(A,T(A)) = H(A) + H(T(A)) - H(A,T(A))

      Where T(A) is the Transformed version of A. E.g. under
      a translation, or rotation, or affine transform.

      If T = Identiy and the interpolator is not approximating,
      your measure of Mutual Information becomes

              MI(A,A) = 2 H(A) - H(A,A)

      and the joint entropy H(A,A) happens to be equal to
      the entropy of the single image H(A), therefore the
      expected value of Mutual Information is equal to the
      image Entropy (of course measured in bits).

                     MI(A,A) = H(A) bits

      That means that if you evaluate the Mutual Information
      measure between Lena and itself, you should get

                       7.44 bits

      Note that the reason why the measure of Mutual Information
      is reported as a negative number in ITK is because traditionally
      that has been used as a cost function for minimization.

      However, in principle, Mutual information should be
      reported in the range [0,H(A)], where zero corresponds
      to two totally uncorrelated images and H(A) corresponds
      to perfectly correlated images, case in which H(A)=H(B).

      To summarize, note that ITK is not using log2() but
      just log(), and note that the measure is reported as
      a negative number.

     We just added a simple example for computing the Entropy
     of the pixel value distribution of an image to the


     You may find interesting to play with this example.
     E.g. you should try the effect of chaning the number
     of bins in the histogram.

     Note that you will have to update your CVS checkout
     in order to get this new file.

B) About Interpolation:

    Cubic BSplines are approximating splines.
    The interpolated values do not pass through
    the nodes.

    Linear interpolation should give you values
    that pass through the nodes. In general linear
    interpolation provides a good trade-off between
    computation load and interpolation quality.

   Please let us know if you have further questions,



George Iordanescu wrote:

> Hi Luis,
> Thank you for your reply. 
> Some of the spline inerpolators compute a curve that passes between
> nodes some build a curve that passes exactly through the nodes. If the
> itk spline interpolators are of the first type then we should indeed
> avoid them when computing self similarity.  Linear interpolator should
> be the best in this case since it will provide the same values in the
> nodes but better approximations between the nodes. 
> My function seems to work: the similarity values increase as the
> registered image gets closer to the moving image. I can now evaluate
> much easier the parameters for fem registration. 
> I still do not know if self similarity values of -1.37055 are good.
> Aren't they supposed to be between -1 and 1? 
> Is there another metric that is more precise? 
> Thank you very much for your help.
> George
> On Fri, 2004-07-16 at 09:51, Luis Ibanez wrote:
>>Hi George,
>>1) NearestNeighborhood interpolation *does*
>>    take origin and spacing into account.
>>2) The choice of the interpolator Matters
>>    in self-similarity becuse some interpolator
>>    are approximating. For example, BSplines
>>    *do not* return the same value of a node
>>    when you evaluate them in the position of
>>    the node.
>>3) From your message it wasn't clear if you
>>    are still experiencing any problem, or
>>    if your current approach is working for
>>    your application.
>>Please let us know if you still find any
>>   Regards,
>>    Luis
>>George Iordanescu wrote:
>>>Hi Luis,
>>>Thank you for your reply. I think in general the interpolator should be
>>>smarter than nearest neghbor, since the 2 images may have different
>>>spacings/origins... Also,  in the case of self-similarity, the nearest
>>>neighbor, linear interpolation and in general any other interpolation
>>>should not make any difference, right? 
>>>In the mean time i found a possible eror in the my function
>>>(SetFixedImageRegion() should use the region of the fixed image). The
>>>new code (including the interpolator you suggested) is this:
>>>double Compute_3DImages_Similarity(DataManager::ImagePointer image1,
>>>DataManager::ImagePointer image2)
>>>  /**  Type of the metric. */
>>>  //typedef itk::ImageToImageMetric< ImageType, ImageType >      
>>>  typedef itk::MattesMutualInformationImageToImageMetric< ImageType,
>>>ImageType >       MetricType;
>>>  typedef itk::NearestNeighborInterpolateImageFunction<ImageType, double
>>>>InterpolatorType ;
>>>  //typedef itk::LinearInterpolateImageFunction< ImageType, double >
>>>InterpolatorType ;
>>>  typedef  itk::IdentityTransform< double, 3 >      TransformType;
>>>  typedef MetricType::Pointer             MetricPointer;
>>>  /**  Type of the Transform . */
>>>  typedef  TransformType::Pointer         TransformPointer;
>>>  typedef  MetricType::ParametersType     ParametersType;
>>>  typedef  InterpolatorType::Pointer      InterpolatorPointer;
>>>  TransformPointer  m_Transform = TransformType::New();
>>>  MetricType::Pointer m_Metric =  MetricType::New();
>>>  InterpolatorPointer m_Interpolator = InterpolatorType::New();
>>>  m_Metric->SetFixedImage( image1 );
>>>  m_Metric->SetMovingImage( image2 );
>>>  m_Metric->SetTransform( m_Transform );
>>>  m_Metric->SetInterpolator( m_Interpolator );
>>>  const unsigned int dummyspaceDimension =
>>>    m_Metric->GetNumberOfParameters();
>>>  ParametersType dummyPosition(dummyspaceDimension) ;
>>>  for( unsigned int i=0; i<dummyspaceDimension; i++){
>>>      dummyPosition[i] = 0;
>>>  }
>>>  m_Metric->SetFixedImageRegion( image1->GetLargestPossibleRegion() );
>>>  m_Metric->Initialize();
>>>  double simi = m_Metric->GetValue(dummyPosition);
>>>  return simi;
>>>These are the new results:
>>>Before the registration:
>>>Dbg: Similarity between fixed image and itself = -1.32591
>>>Dbg: Similarity between moving image  and itself = -1.37055
>>>Dbg: Similarity between moving and fixed image = -0.561616
>>>Registration evolution:
>>>Dbg: Rigid registration INITIAL centered versor transform:
>>>[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
>>>Dbg: 1 = -0.435078 : [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
>>>Dbg: 4 = -0.455245 : [-0.000998133, -0.00459843, -0.00371794,
>>>-0.0260141, -0.312529, 0.38784]
>>>Dbg: 8 = -0.522174 : [0.00233522, -0.00242162, 0.000783394, -1.412,
>>>0.610578, 0.187857]
>>>Dbg: 13 = -0.554342 : [-4.22208e-05, 0.000137454, 0.0032345, -1.26255,
>>>-0.195143, -0.307137]
>>>Dbg: 244 = -0.559978 : [-0.00272003, 0.00371769, 0.00131278, -1.32268,
>>>-0.105536, -0.0930287]
>>>Dbg: 426 = -0.562566 : [-0.00261726, 0.011476, 0.00557111, -1.07907,
>>>-0.185965, 0.139911]
>>>Dbg: Rigid registration FINAL centered versor transform:
>>>[-0.00261726, 0.011476, 0.00557111, -1.07907, -0.185965, 0.139911]
>>>Dbg: Rigid registration FINAL affine transform:
>>>[0.999675, -0.0112013, 0.0229208, 0.0110812, 0.999924, 0.00536195,
>>>-0.0229791, -0.00510621, 0.999723, -0.904836, -0.624775, 1.12567]
>>>After registration:
>>>Dbg: Simi moving image - registered image = -0.587385; 
>>>Simi fixed image - registered image = -0.659573
>>>In the lines above, 426 = -0.562566 : [-0.00261726, 0.011476,
>>>0.00557111, -1.07907, -0.185965, 0.139911]
>>>means that at iteration 426, the cost function was -0.562566 and the crt
>>>transform was [-0.00261726, 0.011476, 0.00557111, -1.07907, -0.185965,
>>>My images (MRI) are 256*256*20, their spacing is [0.273438  0.273438  1]
>>>and one image is obtained by flipping the other on the X axis. There is
>>>a 4 to 5 pixels horizontal misalignement between them, that I am able to
>>>fix using the rigid registration. After this, I was hoping to high-light
>>>the activation area by FEM registration followed by substraction and
>>>thresholding (to keep only, lets say, the negative values).
>>>I am using the RigidRegistrator from the
>>>LandmarkInitializedMutualInformationRegistration example from ITK.
>>>On Tue, 2004-07-13 at 16:44, Luis Ibanez wrote:
>>>>Hi George,
>>>>Please try using the NearestNeighorhood interpolator instead of
>>>>the LinearInterpolator.  In that way you should be able to get
>>>>closer to the the theoretical values for self-similarity.
>>>>Note that you will not get the perfect -1, because the Mutual
>>>>Information Metrics can only produce "estimates" of the joint 
>>>>probability distributions, so even when computing the metric
>>>>for two identical images, the estimation process will result in
>>>>values that do not math the theoretical value.
>>>>Could you be more specific regarding the "rigid registration app"
>>>>that you tried ?  there are actually several of them in ITK.
>>>>   Luis
>>>>George Iordanescu wrote:
>>>>>Hi Luis,
>>>>>Thank you for your quick reply. Below is the function I wrote and it
>>>>>seems to work somehow... I started with 2 3D images whose similarity was
>>>>>-0.51411. Also:
>>>>>Similarity between fixed image and itself = -1.32591
>>>>>Similarity between moving image  and itself = -1.37055
>>>>>After rigid registration : 
>>>>>Similarity between  moving image and registered image = -0.782605;
>>>>>Similarity between fixed image  and registered image = -0.651837 ;
>>>>>I am a bit surprised by the self-similarity values for the fixed and
>>>>>moving image. Aren't they supposed to be between -1 and 1? 
>>>>>Also, the rigid registration app (that uses the same type of metric and
>>>>>interpolator as my function) reports  a metric value -0.435078 for the
>>>>>first iteration (transform parameters are [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]). This
>>>>>value is close to the -0.51411 computed by my function but still a bit
>>>>>different. I guess there is some variation in the results provided by
>>>>>the metric.
>>>>>I do not know as much as I would like about template programming but I
>>>>>will try to write a class templated over the Metric type and the
>>>>>Interpolator type.
>>>>>Thank you.
>>>>>-------------defined in DataManager class-----------
>>>>> typedef signed long                   ImagePixelType;
>>>>> typedef itk::Image<ImagePixelType,3>  ImageType;
>>>>> typedef ImageType::Pointer            ImagePointer ;
>>>>>double Compute_3DImages_Similarity(DataManager::ImagePointer image1,
>>>>>DataManager::ImagePointer image2)
>>>>> /**  Type of the metric. */
>>>>> //typedef itk::ImageToImageMetric< ImageType, ImageType >      
>>>>> typedef itk::MattesMutualInformationImageToImageMetric< ImageType,
>>>>>ImageType >       MetricType;
>>>>> typedef itk::LinearInterpolateImageFunction< ImageType, double >
>>>>>InterpolatorType ;
>>>>> typedef  itk::IdentityTransform< double, 3 >      TransformType;
>>>>> typedef MetricType::Pointer             MetricPointer;
>>>>> /**  Type of the Transform . */
>>>>> typedef  TransformType::Pointer         TransformPointer;
>>>>> typedef  MetricType::ParametersType     ParametersType;
>>>>> typedef  InterpolatorType::Pointer      InterpolatorPointer;
>>>>> TransformPointer  m_Transform = TransformType::New();
>>>>> MetricType::Pointer m_Metric =  MetricType::New();
>>>>> InterpolatorPointer m_Interpolator = InterpolatorType::New();
>>>>> m_Metric->SetMovingImage( image1 );
>>>>> m_Metric->SetFixedImage( image2 );
>>>>> m_Metric->SetTransform( m_Transform );
>>>>> m_Metric->SetInterpolator( m_Interpolator );
>>>>> m_Metric->SetFixedImageRegion( image1->GetLargestPossibleRegion() );
>>>>> const unsigned int dummyspaceDimension =
>>>>>   m_Metric->GetNumberOfParameters();
>>>>> ParametersType dummyPosition(dummyspaceDimension) ;
>>>>> for( unsigned int i=0; i<dummyspaceDimension; i++){
>>>>>     dummyPosition[i] = 0;
>>>>> }
>>>>> m_Metric->Initialize();
>>>>> double simi = m_Metric->GetValue(dummyPosition);
>>>>> return simi;
>>>>>On Mon, 2004-07-12 at 19:17, Luis Ibanez wrote:
>>>>>>>Hi George,
>>>>>>>You can use any of the current ImageToImage metrics,
>>>>>>>and simply set
>>>>>>> Interpolator = NearestNeighborhoodInterpolator
>>>>>>> Transform    = IdentityTransform
>>>>>>>If you find annoying to have to do this every time,
>>>>>>>you could write a class templated over the Metric
>>>>>>>type, that will do this initializations for you.
>>>>>>>This new class will have a GetValue() method without
>>>>>>>parameters that will simply invoke the GetValue() method
>>>>>>>of the real metric with a dummy array of parameters.
>>>>>>>You can use a dummy array because the IdentityTransform
>>>>>>>do not require parameters.
>>>>>>>In this way you can easily switch among any of the
>>>>>>>twelve or so image metrics in ITK and dont have to
>>>>>>>worry about the extra componets required for integration
>>>>>>>with the registration framework.
>>>>>>>You may want to contribute such a class to the toolkit
>>>>>>>since it may prove to be useful to other ITK users.
>>>>>>>Please let us now if you need any assistance for
>>>>>>>writing this new class.
>>>>>>>  Thanks
>>>>>>>     Luis
>>>>>>>George Iordanescu wrote:
>>>>>>>>Hello everybody,
>>>>>>>>I would like to compute a number that describes the similarity degree
>>>>>>>>between two images. I am thinking about a simple class that should have
>>>>>>>>two methods SetImage1/2 and then ComputeSimilarity().
>>>>>>>>I was hoping a child of ImageToImageMetric would do, but it seems to
>>>>>>>>need more inputs than just two images. Apparently, after setting the
>>>>>>>>images (and the Interpolator and the (identity) transform),  I cannot
>>>>>>>>call GetValue without passing some parameters that make little sense in
>>>>>>>>the context of just two images. Is there any other class (filter) that
>>>>>>>>will compute the similarity between two images? Is there any example
>>>>>>>>about how to use a ImageToImageMetric for such a purpose?
>>>>>>>>Such a class could be very useful when trying to find the best set of
>>>>>>>>registration parameters. One could register an image using multiple sets
>>>>>>>>of parameters and then we could select the best set by looking at the
>>>>>>>>similarity between the registered image and the fixed image.
>>>>>>>>Any suggestion will be highly appreciated.
>>>>>>>>Thank you.
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