[Insight-developers] Buildflags for producing flaky executables

Brad King brad.king@kitware.com
Tue, 4 Mar 2003 12:34:55 -0500 (EST)

> The itkSystemInformationTest that you added is VERY useful.  The only
> problem that I see is that it is buried in a non-intuitive place.  In
> addition, only the developers who read yesterdays message addressed to
> me would know that this information exists.
> I think that this information should also be available on the main
> testing page.  For example, if you were to click on the buildname, then
> that would take you directly to this set of information.  I thought that
> this was what the cfg field of the dashboard was for (by the way, what
> is the current cfg information useful for?).

The cfg column is the output of the run of CMake to create/update the ITK
build tree.

As far as placement of the system information, look at the following
build on the ITK page:

  hythloth.kitware Linux-gcc321

Note the tag next to the build name.  It is a link to a note attached to
that build.  We could probably update the system information test to add
such a note that contains the build flags and perhaps a link to the rest
of the test's output.
