[IGSTK-Users] Troubleshooting communication issue with Micron Tracker

Chris Heath christopher.c.heath at gmail.com
Tue May 20 12:27:23 EDT 2008

Hello all,

I have created a program based largely on the  
"OneViewAndTrackingNewUsingMicronTracker" example found in the  
Sandbox.  The program works great for  while, until it stops  
responding to input from the Claron.  The error given in the log is  
listed as:

(CRITICAL) Error grabbing a frame

It seems that once there is an error grabbing a frame, the  
communication fails completely, and I continually see the error over  
and over again and am no longer able to track (which seems to go  
against the point number 2 listed as a requirement for the  
communication object).

If I turn tracking off then on again, tracking will resume for a  
while, until once again it fails in the same manner.

The approach that I think may work in the short term, until I can  
figure out why this error pops up at all, is to create a method in my  
implementation.h file as follows:

void ResetTracking()

I would want to call this method whenever the communication object  
reports an error grabbing a frame.  My question is, how could I access  
this error report?  I can see it in the logger, do I need to use the  
logger object to do so or will the communication object return an  
error code?  I would appreciate any advice.


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