[IGSTK-Users] A question about igstkEventTransductionMarco

Vincent Gratsac vincent.gratsac at irisa.fr
Fri Oct 26 04:49:58 EDT 2007

Hi igstk-users,

There is two points I would like to discuss :

First, I have some problems with QTWidget and ViewNew available in IGSTK 
I'm not able to display objects in these views, and I did not find 
example code which is working fine.
Could anyone tell me how to use these classes or show me a sample code ?

Second, I tried to use the igstkEventTransductionMacro and it seems that 
there is actually a bug. ProcessInputs() method is not called.
As Luis Ibanez adviced me, I added a call to this method in the macro, 
and now the problem is solved. So I think it would be nice to add this 
new line in each event transduction macro.


Vincent Gratsac wrote:
> Hi all,
> Thank you for your reply Luis !
> In fact, I did not try to use this macro, I was just trying to 
> understand its behavior.
> Now I'm trying to use it in my code, and it seems that it works fine 
> as it... but I don't understand why.
> So there is no bug in this part.
> I will try to find when occurs the ProcessInputs() call, just in order 
> to understand.
> Thank you for your help,
> Vincent
> Luis Ibanez a écrit :
>> Hi Vincent,
>> Thanks for pointing this out.
>> This looks indeed like a bug.
>> Could you please try adding to your local copy the line
>>        m_StateMachine.ProcessInputs();
>> and let us know what you find ?
>> If this works for you, then will log a bug report
>> and will fix the set of Transduction macros in
>> the igstkMacro.h file.  We probably should add
>> a explicit test just for this feature.
>>    Thanks
>>       Luis
>> ---------------------
>> Vincent Gratsac wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I send a question on this mailing list a few days ago and I'm still 
>>> not able to answer it.
>>> Could someone give me some clues ?
>>> Thank you,
>>> Vincent
>>>> Hi IGSTK users,
>>>> I'm currently trying to use the igstkEventTransductionMarco in 
>>>> order to integrate a received event to my state machine.
>>>> I read the code added by this macro, and I noticed that the 
>>>> CallBackMyEventInput method only pushes the input in the state 
>>>> machine, but does not ask the state machine to process this input :
>>>> 00272   void Callback##event##input( const ::itk::EventObject & ) \
>>>> 00273   { \
>>>> 00274     m_StateMachine.PushInput( m_##input ); \
>>>> 00275   } \
>>>> So I don't understand when the state machine will process inputs 
>>>> pushed by this macro...
>>>> Could someone help me ?
>>>> Thank you and have a nice day ! 

Vincent Gratsac
Unité/Projet VisAGeS U746
Campus de Beaulieu, 35042 Rennes Cedex, France

Ph:  +33 (0) 2 23 23 49 20/ Fax: +33/0 2 99 84 71 71
email: Vincent.Gratsac at irisa.fr

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