[IGSTK-Developers] FW: igstk review ppt template and schedule attached: reminder that slides are due by tonight

Kevin Cleary cleary at georgetown.edu
Wed May 31 10:54:15 EDT 2006

Hi everyone:

Hope you had a good Memorial Day holiday and I can say that I needed a few
more days off! I just wanted to remind you that the review meeting will be
held from 1 to 4 pm tomorrow and that your slides are due tonight (or even
after midnight provided we get them by tomorrow morning). Patrick and I will
then put all the slides in one package and email them around and put them on
the Wiki. Let me know if you have any comments - look forward to talking
with you tomorrow - at this point I don't see us using NetMeeting and it
will be just a straight tcon so it will be important to have a consistent
set of slides



Per our discussion today attached is a template and a review schedule. The
review schedule includes instructions but basically please prepare 1, 2, or
3 slides on your topic and send them to Patrick (cc me) by Wednesday pm. We
will then quickly put them together and distribute for the tcon on Thursday,
which will go from 1 to 4 pm. I welcome any comments or suggestions you

The theme is "Where do we go from here?" with a subtitle of "How do we keep
the project alive and support a growing user community while we search for
new funding?"

Kevin Cleary, Ph.D.                        Work phone: 202-687-8253
Associate Professor                        Work fax: 202-784-3479
Deputy Director  
Imaging Science and Information Systems (ISIS) Center
Department of Radiology                    Pager: 202-901-2033
Georgetown University Medical Center       Cell phone: 202-294-3409
2115 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 603           Home phone: 301-299-0788
Washington, DC, 20007                      Home fax: 301-299-0789
ISIS center: www.isis.georgetown.edu
Research group: www.caimr.georgetown.edu
WashCAS: www.washcas.org
Email: cleary at georgetown.edu

-----Original Message-----
From: Patrick Cheng [mailto:cheng at isis.georgetown.edu] 
Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2006 1:33 PM
To: Kevin Cleary
Subject: igstk review ppt template

Hi Kevin,

ppl can work on the content page (the second page), and we can put them 
together later.

If you like the slides, you can forward it to the list.

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