[IGSTK-Developers] Dashboard problem

Patrick Cheng cheng at isis.georgetown.edu
Wed May 31 12:56:41 EDT 2006

Hi Andinet and Luis,

The build machine here at isis hasn't been able to submit the tests to 
the dashboard since May 29.

I can open the dashboard using browser and ping through 
public.kitware.com on that machine.

It looks like the dashboard only accepts the machines from kitware 
internal network now. I don't see Atamai on the dashboard neither.

Please help take a look at this problem.



C:\Patrick\IGSTKSandbox\VS71-Debug-Nightly>ctest -D NightlySubmit
    Site: build02.isis
    Build name: Win32-IGSTKSandbox-VS71-Debug
Submit files (using )
    Using FTP submit method
    Drop site: ftp://ftpuser:******@public.kitware.com/incoming
    Error when uploading file: 
    Error message was: Uploaded unaligned file size (0 out of 585 bytes)
CURL output: []
    Problems when submitting via FTP
Errors while running CTest

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