[Dart] Dart/DartClassic vs Dart/Dart2/NewDart

Matt England mengland at mengland.net
Wed Mar 1 09:34:44 EST 2006

I believe Dart (or at least the Dart Server) has a naming/syntax problem.

Dart Classic Server is known as "Dart" and is documented as such on websites.

Dart2 Server is known as "Dart" and is documented as such on websites.

I've considered for some time before posting this email.  After introducing 
Dart to 2 of my co-workers (Vignesh, who you know, and Prashasta, who works 
with Vignesh), it's become clear to me that the naming syntax is 
overloaded, and this leads to problems related mostly to miscommunication.

I wonder: is it possible we can resolve this now, and reach an agreement on 
a consistent, non-overloaded name/syntax set, and eliminate this issue?

For what it's worth, I don't want to appear as if I'm griping here.  On the 
contrary, I continue to be ecstatic that Dart (in whatever name) even exists.


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