[CMake] Generator for NetBeans 6.9

Michael Wild themiwi at gmail.com
Wed May 26 03:57:51 EDT 2010

On 26. May, 2010, at 9:35 , Sebastian Meier wrote:
> [...]
> Questions:
> - Do we already have a class or API for XML output I can use? Or will I have to implement a small XmlWriter class?

Looks like it doesn't exist. There's a class (cmXMLSafe) that properly escapes/encodes strings, but that's all.

> - What's the preferred way to commit a "feature to be accepted". I am new to git, experienced with SVN and CVS.

Usually it's best to create a topic-branch where you do that stuff in isolation. Then clean up the history by splitting, squashing and reordering patches, see here:

StGit is a very useful tool for this kind of work: http://www.procode.org/stgit.

Once you're satisfied, i.e. the everything works and each of the commits is a coherent patch (i.e. solves/implements exactly one well-defined issue/thing), push the topic-branch to some public repository of yours, e.g. you can create one for free on github.com. If you do it on e.g. github (or gitorious) make sure to fork/clone the project using the web-interface before cloning to your local machine. Otherwise the hosting service won't know that your repository is a clone of the CMake repository, making such useful plots impossible: http://github.com/Kitware/CMake/network

Then create a ticket in the bug-tracker (or modify an already existing one) mentioning where to pull from. Also send a message back to this list alerting people to your work.



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