[CMake] VS-C++ Express Version

Philip Lowman philip at yhbt.com
Fri May 14 08:02:20 EDT 2010

This is Microsoft's fault.  You should complain to them.   The only
workaround for VS Express is to close your solution and run CMake manually
then open your solution back up again.

The problem doesn't affect VS Professional (and I believe Standard) because
they have support for macros which CMake takes advantage of to reload all of
the VS project files without a lot of user interaction.

On Fri, May 14, 2010 at 7:55 AM, Micha Renner <Micha.Renner at t-online.de>wrote:

> There are some things in the cooperation of CMake and the Visual Studio
> Express-version, which which bothers me.
> Each change in a CMakeLists.txt file results in a message of VS Express
> like this: "The filter file of your project changed outside VS! Do you
> want reload it?"
> I could live with this, but this message is presented also for
> sub-projects whose CMakeLists.txt file was not changed.
> Let say one have a project with 5 sub-projects with one target. A change
> of one CMakeLists.txt results in the five-fold display of the message
> above plus the display for ALL_BUILD, RUN_TESTS, INSTALL and uninstall.
> This means I have to confirm 9 times that I want to reload the filter
> file of the projects.
> That is too much.
> More worse: If the the projects have more then one target, you have to
> confirm the reload of the filter files for each target.
> Greetings
> Micha
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Philip Lowman
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