[CMake] Visual Studio project file reloading in Vista

Jesper Eskilson jesper.eskilson at iar.se
Wed Apr 29 15:23:15 EDT 2009


I'm having trouble getting the automatic project file reloading in 
Visual Studio 2005 to work when running under Vista (Home Premium 
64-bit). Reproduce:

* Open VS2005 + a solution generated by CMake
* Modify one of the CMakeLists.txt files.
* Rebuild solution
* Observed behavior: ZERO_CHECK reruns CMake, but VS2005 does not detect 
  that the project files has changed until the solution has been 
completely rebuilt.

It looks as if the VS-macros invoked by CMake to interrupt the build 
aren't working properly.

Is this a known problem, or should I report a bug?


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