[CMake] WinCE Support

Clemens Arth clemens.arth at gmx.at
Wed Apr 15 08:48:44 EDT 2009

Andreas Pokorny schrieb:
> Hi,
> 2009/4/15 Clemens Arth <clemens.arth at gmx.at>:
>> [...]
>> In my case for example, I build it for Win32 and Windows Mobile 5 in
>> separate directories which works great. If you install an SH4 SDK and an ARM
>> SDK, preconfigure the cache files and configure/build in separate
>> directories with different settings it should work almost the same.
> I also think this should be sufficient. I just thought that the user
> interface with the filter string is maybe too error-prone. Maybe we
> could forbid to generate a project that allows switching the platform
> SDK. Maybe by providing a list of selectable SDKs, i.e. a drop down
> box in the gui (== a string in the cache). Maybe by dynamically
> generating the list of visual studio generators - and the user selects
> the SDK by selecting the generator?
That's a great idea actually, but I already mentioned exactly this about 
9 months ago when we started the discussion. It would definitely be the 
best solution, but at that time I could not figure out how to do it in a 
clever way because there is (to my knowledge) no functionality for 
dialogs in the cmake framework (just the message stuff for indicating 
errors), and you would have to implement such a thing also for the 
text-mode configuration, which makes things even more difficult. 
Nevertheless, if you were able to implement some dialogs in the 
framework, this would greatly improve the way of configuring projects 
with cmake, because you could also graphically set up everything else, 
like setting the toolchain file for example...


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