[CMake] WinCE Support

Andreas Pokorny andreas.pokorny at gmail.com
Wed Apr 15 08:21:22 EDT 2009


2009/4/15 Clemens Arth <clemens.arth at gmx.at>:
> [...]
> In my case for example, I build it for Win32 and Windows Mobile 5 in
> separate directories which works great. If you install an SH4 SDK and an ARM
> SDK, preconfigure the cache files and configure/build in separate
> directories with different settings it should work almost the same.

I also think this should be sufficient. I just thought that the user
interface with the filter string is maybe too error-prone. Maybe we
could forbid to generate a project that allows switching the platform
SDK. Maybe by providing a list of selectable SDKs, i.e. a drop down
box in the gui (== a string in the cache). Maybe by dynamically
generating the list of visual studio generators - and the user selects
the SDK by selecting the generator?

kind regards

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