[CMake] Nightly Updates

William A. Hoffman billlist at nycap.rr.com
Thu Jun 23 17:00:36 EDT 2005

OK, I think that is the bug!   I just checked our mac, and we link
to a system curl as well!  I guess we should rename the library to
cmakecurl or something.  I could see it not working since all the headers
are from the curl in cmake.
kitware at midworld $ nm ctest | grep curl                                                             
         U _curl_easy_cleanup
         U _curl_easy_getinfo
         U _curl_easy_init

kitware at midworld $ otool -L ctest                                                                    ~/Dashboards/My Tests/CMake-gcc/bin
        /usr/lib/libcurl.2.dylib (compatibility version 3.0.0, current version 3.2.0)
        /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 71.1.1)


At 03:40 PM 6/23/2005, Dave Chen wrote:
>I built cmake/ctest myself.  It appears that ctest is not being  
>linked against CMake's version of curl.  When I run "nm" on the ctest  
>executable it shows the curl functions as "U", undefined.  When I  
>linked ctest with the "-t" option it showed that it was, indeed,  
>linking against the system libcurl.  I tried it on a Panther machine,  
>and there it also seems to use the system version.
>On Jun 23, 2005, at 2:50 PM, Brad King wrote:
>>Dave Chen wrote:
>>>The problem is that libcurl has changed from Panther to Tiger.    
>>>They've got from version (2002/11/26 19:07:46) to version   
>>>1.276 (2005/02/09 13:06:40).  The datestring that ctest is passing  
>>>to  curl_getdate ("1:00:00 EST") is not supported by the newer  
>>>version,  so the value of ntime is -1.
>>>Looking at the man page for the more recent libcurl it looks like   
>>>they want an actual date in the string.  It seems they no longer   
>>>assume that an omitted date implies today.
>>This looks like a reasonable explanation.  Thanks for tracking it  
>>down.  However, CMake comes with its own built-in version of curl.   
>>We need to figure out why it is using the Tiger version of curl.   
>>Did you build this version yourself or did you use a binary?
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