[CMake] RE: CMake 2.2 beta - QT_WRAP syntax change?

David Cole david.cole at kitware.com
Mon Jul 11 16:58:58 EDT 2005

Use this line instead:

ADD_LIBRARY(project_moc STATIC ${project_moc_files})

Also, you should prefer TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES to LINK_LIBRARIES if it's 
not too complicated to change; see the documentation for each for the 
reasoning behind this.

This time it really should be helpful, ;-) ,

Bitter, Ingmar (NIH/CC/DRD) wrote:

>I updated from 1.8.3 to 2.2 beta
>The following lines in my CMakeLists.txt file used to work:
>QT_WRAP_CPP( project_moc project_moc_files project_hpp_files )
>ADD_LIBRARY(project_moc STATIC project_moc_files)
>But now the second line causes an error:
>CMake Error: can not find file c:/projectDir/project_moc_files
>CMake used to interpret project_moc_files as a variable holding the
>filenames created by the moc process, but now it seems to think it is not a
>variable but a concrete filename.  What do I need to do to fix this?
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