[Cmake] file name case

Brad King brad.king at kitware.com
Wed Sep 15 13:29:06 EDT 2004

Dekeyser, Kris wrote:
> I collect file names to be included in my VS IDE project. I do this with:
> FILE(GLOB_RECURSE MyFiles "${dir}/${wildcard}")
> with e.g. dir="${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/include" and wildcard="*.h*"
> but unfortunately the call returns the file names as:
> Path/To/File//filename.hpp
> thereby loosing the original case of the filename (e.g. FileName.hpp). This
> is annoying, because we develop on Windows, but the same source should also
> compile on Unix. The developers have no clue as to the case of the file and
> will write
> #include "filename.hpp"
> and the code will break when compiling on Unix.
> This seems to be a bug. Can you confirm?

Yes, this is a bug.  Please report it here:



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