[Cmake] Possible new feature for generated makefiles

Anton Deguet anton at cs.jhu.edu
Tue Apr 15 17:12:18 EDT 2003


In the unix makefiles generated by CMake, the target names are replaced 
by the complete path, i.e. if I have a library named MyLib, the target 
will be /home/user/devel/lib/libMyLib.so.  Would it be possible to add 
an easier target name in the Makefile, such as "make MyLib"?

In the Makefile, this would look like

MyLib: /home/user/devel/lib/libMyLib.so
    echo "no op"

Also, "make help" would display the list of possible targets.


Anton Deguet - Email anton<at>cs.jhu.edu
Office NEB B26 - Phone 410 516 5261 - Fax 410 516 3332

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