[CDash] Submission details "empty"

Dinkelacker, Stefan s.dinkelacker at dkfz-heidelberg.de
Sat Apr 13 05:26:51 UTC 2019

Hi list,

we currently switch from a CDash v2.0.2 installation to a new server with CDash v2.6.0. I recreated our project on the new server (no migration, from scratch), created all the subprojects and so on. Our scripts also submit successfully to the new server but I cannot browse the submission details.

For example, on the project site my build shows up and also the columns are updated as it should be like "Build Warn -> 58". But when I click on the number of warnings I get a pretty much empty but valid viewBuildError page stating "Found 0 Warnings across 0 subprojects". If I click on the revision of my build, the viewUpdate page is also pretty much empty but valid like it states 0 updated/modified files even though there were updates in this revision.

I'm glad for any help or suggestions. :-)

Unfortunately the new dashboard is not yet reachable from the outside, so I cannot provide URLs.


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