[Cdash] Registered users and Perforce

Julien Jomier julien.jomier at kitware.com
Mon Nov 11 20:07:42 UTC 2013

Hi Pedro,

Relying on full name could be tricky because of homonyms. Author is 
supposed to be the username (or sometimes the email address on some 
VCS). If Perforce requires a username to register then the author field 
should return usernames. If Perforce requires the email then the author 
field should return emails.


On 08/11/2013 19:46, Pedro Navarro wrote:
> Hi Julien,
> So this means that CDash is expecting "author" to be the user name
> (pnavarro) and not the full name (Pedro Navarro), right? Wouldn't it
> make more sense, then, to add a new "Full Name" field that, if not set
> by the VCS would be a duplicate of the "author" field? For the daily
> updates view (or build update view) the mailto: link would display "full
> name" but in other places, especially SQL joins the "author" field would
> be used as it is now.
> Pedro
> On Tue, Nov 5, 2013 at 8:27 AM, Julien Jomier <julien.jomier at kitware.com
> <mailto:julien.jomier at kitware.com>> wrote:
>     Hi Pedro,
>     The main issue is that some VCS don't provide the email field.
>     I think we should change the SQL request to add a match on the
>     dailyupdatefile.email with user2repository.credential along with the
>     usual request we have right now.
>     Could you log a bug report and we'll try to address that.
>     Thanks,
>     Julien
>     On 04/11/2013 22:33, Pedro Navarro wrote:
>         Hi,
>         When CDash gathers the list of updates from Perforce the users are
>         returned as author="Full Name", email="user at company.com
>         <mailto:user at company.com>
>         <mailto:user at company.com <mailto:user at company.com>>". The
>         problem is that on the Manage Users page
>         we get lots of messages like:
>         "Pedro Navarro is not registerd for this project but has been
>         submitting
>         in the past month".
>         The issue is that in manageProjectRoles.php page, the sql query
>         to get
>         unregistered users has:
>         ...LEFT JOIN user2repository ON
>         (dailyupdatefile.author=__user2repository.credential ...
>         It's matching the author of the commit with the repository
>         credentials!
>         In this case dailyupdatefile.author="Pedro Navarro" and
>         user2repository.credential="pn__avarro at netflix.com
>         <mailto:pnavarro at netflix.com>
>         <mailto:pnavarro at netflix.com <mailto:pnavarro at netflix.com>>"__.
>         If I add "Pedro Navarro" as a repository
>         credential everything works fine but this doesn't seem right and
>         leads
>         me to the following questions:
>         - Is Perforce the only VCS that's returning full user names?
>         Should we
>         not do that?
>         - Wouldn't it be better to match dailyupdatefile.email with
>         user2repository.credential? After all the user's E-Mail is
>         always added
>         as a credential by default.
>         Pedro
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