[Cdash] Upgrading DB to version 2.2 doesn't work

Julien Jomier julien.jomier at kitware.com
Tue Aug 6 07:45:07 UTC 2013

Hi Igor,

The changes to the buildupdate table were done in CDash 2.0.2 therefore 
it's considered part of the 2.0->2.2 upgrade. In any case, the query 
should just return an empty result, I don't understand why you are 
getting an "Internal Server error".


On 05/08/2013 13:44, Igor Murzov wrote:
> When i go to "CDash maintenance" page and click "Upgrade CDash" button
> i get "error Internal Server Error" message. In my PostgreSQL log i see
> following error:
>   ERROR:  column "buildid" does not exist at character 8
>   STATEMENT:  SELECT buildid FROM buildupdate
> which i think is coming from
>   // 2.2 Upgrade
>   if(isset($_GET['upgrade-2-2']))
>     {
>     AddTableIndex('updatefile','author');
>     // We need to move the buildupdate build ids to the build2update
>     table $query = pdo_query("SELECT buildid FROM buildupdate");
> Indeed, there is no "buildid" column in the "buildupdate" table in
> CDash-2.0. And i'm not sure what correct table/column it should be.
> Btw, why there are no foreign keys in the DB? :/
> -- Igor
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