[Cdash] Partial submission to CDash track

Julien Jomier julien.jomier at kitware.com
Fri Apr 13 15:59:49 UTC 2012

Dear Olivier,

Could you send me one of the XML file generated by CTest in private? 
I'll look at this, but it does look like a bug.


On 13/04/2012 11:04, Olivier Pierard wrote:
> Dear all,
> I just faced a strange behavior of the CDash, which is maybe a bug.
> I submit my ctest results (configure/build/tests) to the CDash track
> 'Nightly 1.7 release' instead of the 'Nightly' with the command
> 'ctest_start(${TESTMODEL} TRACK "Nightly 1.7 release")'
> As build and tests are quite long, we use the 'PARTS' option of the
> ctest_submit after each operation.
> configure, build and test go to the right 'Nightly 1.7 release'  track
> but tests go the the 'Nightly' track.
> The log of the Test.xml file is:
> Submit files (using http)
>     Send to track: Nightly 1.7 release
>     Using HTTP submit method
>     Drop site:http://cdash.cenaero.be/submit.php?project=Morfeo
>     Uploaded: xxx/Testing/20120412-1900/Test.xml
>     Submission successful
> So, everything seems OK on the CTest side; that's why I suspect a bug in
> CDash.
> I'm using CMake/CTest 2.8.1 and CDash 1.8.2.  Unfortunately, I cannot
> test on CDash 2 as we wait for the end of the release before upgrading.
> If you confirm it's a bug, I will add it on the CDash bugtracker.
> Thanks for your help,
> Olivier
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