[Cdash] builds getting submitted to the previous date

Tyler Roscoe tyler at cryptio.net
Mon Jan 17 16:44:59 UTC 2011

On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 02:17:57AM -0800, girish hilage wrote:
>    I have set up a cron job which executes at "00:01:00AM IST" (i.e. 1st minute of the day) every morning.
>    But, the issue is, if I check the builds in the browser I find that they are submitted to the previous date.
>    e.g.
>    If the build executes on "Mon Jan 14 00:01:00 IST 2011"
>    then CDASH shows it under "Nightly" section of "Sun Jan 13"
>    but correctly shows the time under the column "Build Time" i.e. "2011-01-14T00:19:26 IST".
>    Under "ADMINISTRATION-->Project-->Testing" tag I have kept :
>    Nightly Start Time: 00:00:00 IST

This all looks right to me. Maybe CDash (or CTest) doesn't know what
IST means? Have you tried using UTC with the correct offset for Indian
Standard Time?

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