[Cdash] How are Warnings and Errors Detected by CDash?

David Cole david.cole at kitware.com
Wed Apr 27 13:32:25 UTC 2011

It's actually ctest that detects these as warnings, and reports them as such
to cdash.

The regular expressions used to detect errors and warnings can be seen in
the ctest source code. Look at the top of the file
CMake/Source/CTest/cmCTestBuildHanler.cxx to read through them to see what
ctest considers an error or warning line.

You can provide regular expressions that act as exclusions to avoid these
being reported as warnings. In order to do so, you'll need a
CTestCustom.cmake at the top level of your build tree. (In

Add to the variable CTEST_CUSTOM_WARNING_EXCEPTION to list regular
expressions that match lines that you *don't* want reported as warnings.
Something like this:

    "Function .* is not implemented"
    "circular inclusion of"

See this blog post for more advice regarding this file:


On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 11:12 AM, Allen Barnett <allen at transpireinc.com>wrote:

> Hi: I recently updated our build system to use Qt 4.7.2. The version of
> "lupdate" (the tool which extracts translatable strings and maintains
> the .ts file) now writes warning messages like:
> /path/to/qt/src/file(72):Function 'system' is not implemented.
> /path/to/qt/src/file:26: circular inclusion of '/path/to/qt/src/file'
> to std::cerr. See the bug report
> http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTBUG-6587
> It seems that CDash treats these messages as build warnings; I would
> like avoid that if possible. So, I was wondering what CDash looks for in
> the output from the build in order to decide that a line of output
> represents a warning or an error. Is there a way to cause it to ignore
> the output from "lupdate"?
> Thanks for the help,
> Allen
> --
> Allen Barnett
> Transpire, Inc
> E-Mail: allen at transpireinc.com
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