[Cdash] How are Warnings and Errors Detected by CDash?

Allen Barnett allen at transpireinc.com
Wed Apr 27 15:20:18 UTC 2011

That does indeed fix CTest's interpretation of the output. (When I
looked more carefully at what CTest was reporting, it was really a build
ERROR; so, I had to set CTEST_CUSTOM_ERROR_EXCEPTION.) Works great.

If I could make a minor suggestion. The table of variables at:


Variable                      Description
CTEST_CUSTOM_ERROR_EXCEPTION: Regular expression for error exceptions
during build process

I read that, but it didn't really lead me to think that the listed
"exceptions" were supposed to be ignored by CTest. I don't know; maybe
there is a better way to phrase the description.

Also, I was wondering about the order of the matching: Does it match all
lines with ERROR_MATCH (WARNING_MATCH) and then reject a match if it


On Wed, 2011-04-27 at 09:32 -0400, David Cole wrote:
> It's actually ctest that detects these as warnings, and reports them
> as such to cdash.
> The regular expressions used to detect errors and warnings can be seen
> in the ctest source code. Look at the top of the file
> CMake/Source/CTest/cmCTestBuildHanler.cxx to read through them to see
> what ctest considers an error or warning line.
> You can provide regular expressions that act as exclusions to avoid
> these being reported as warnings. In order to do so, you'll need a
> CTestCustom.cmake at the top level of your build tree. (In
> Add to the variable CTEST_CUSTOM_WARNING_EXCEPTION to list regular
> expressions that match lines that you *don't* want reported as
> warnings. Something like this:
>     "Function .* is not implemented"
>     "circular inclusion of"
>   )
> See this blog post for more advice regarding this file:
> http://www.kitware.com/blog/home/post/27
> HTH,
> David
> On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 11:12 AM, Allen Barnett
> <allen at transpireinc.com> wrote:
>         Hi: I recently updated our build system to use Qt 4.7.2. The
>         version of
>         "lupdate" (the tool which extracts translatable strings and
>         maintains
>         the .ts file) now writes warning messages like:
>         /path/to/qt/src/file(72):Function 'system' is not implemented.
>         /path/to/qt/src/file:26: circular inclusion of
>         '/path/to/qt/src/file'
>         to std::cerr. See the bug report
>         http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTBUG-6587
>         It seems that CDash treats these messages as build warnings; I
>         would
>         like avoid that if possible. So, I was wondering what CDash
>         looks for in
>         the output from the build in order to decide that a line of
>         output
>         represents a warning or an error. Is there a way to cause it
>         to ignore
>         the output from "lupdate"?
>         Thanks for the help,
>         Allen
>         --
>         Allen Barnett
>         Transpire, Inc
>         E-Mail: allen at transpireinc.com
>         _______________________________________________
>         Cdash mailing list
>         Cdash at public.kitware.com
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Allen Barnett
Transpire, Inc
E-Mail: allen at transpireinc.com

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