[Cdash] Test.xml submitted but not on dashboard + minor problems

Olivier Pierard olivier.pierard at cenaero.be
Thu Feb 11 10:43:41 UTC 2010

Dear all (or Julien - if you answer again, thank you very much, here are
my last questions !)

Several questions:

1) Test.xml submitted but not reported on dashboard
The configure/build/test steps are correctly run, xml files generated
and submitted to the dashboard:

    Start processing tests
    Create notes file
            Add file: XXX/DashboardScripts/test.cmake
    Submit files (using http)
       Using HTTP submit method
       Drop site: http://cdash.cenaero.be/submit.php?project=Morfeo
       Uploaded: XXX/Testing/20100211-0938/Build.xml
       Uploaded: XXX/Testing/20100211-0938/Configure.xml
       Uploaded: XXX/Testing/20100211-0938/Notes.xml
       Submission successful

Once back to the dashboard, I see the relevant entry, the configure and
build warnings but nothing about the tests (empty boxes, not even '0')
!!!  These were well run, Test.xml file seems logical, so I'm really
lost on this issue.

2) CMake dashboard has very nice build warning/error reporting (e.g.:
with cvs/cvn, source file, command, directory, exit condition, std
output, std error.
On my side, I've only cvs/svn, build log line, warning.

Given the fact that this structure is already stored in the xml file, I
guess it is related to CTest.  I tried moving CMake 2.6->CTest 2.8, but
nothing changed.  I noticed that you use ctest-2.9.20100210; is this
difference related to that upgrade ?

3) We use ViewVC 1.1 with CDash 1.6.  In Project
configuration/Repository, I've to add the 'trunk' or
'branches/branch_name' for correct file visualization.  Problems arise
if testing several branches, we cannot visualize files in both
branches.  Is there a way to determine file paths automatically (e.g.:
those in build warnings) according to the branch they belong (this info
can be obtained from svn info) ?

Thank you very much,


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