[Cdash] CDash wiki install page

Trevor Kellaway tkellaway at asl-electronics.co.uk
Sun Mar 23 12:25:50 UTC 2008


> CTest is all setup to do this.  Something like this:
>    SET (CTEST_DROP_SITE "my.machine.com")
>    SET (CTEST_DROP_LOCATION "/cgi-bin/HTTPUploadDartFile.cgi")
> "http://${CTEST_DROP_SITE}/cgi-bin/Submit.cgi")
> Where Submit.cgi is your python script.   The python script 
> will need to 
> do the following:
> 1. read the file that was dropped by ctest
> 2. send the file contents to Dart2 via xmlrpc
> 3. send the file to CDash with an http put
> 4. remove the file

I have steps 1,2 and 4 working, but it's step 3 I'm stuck on as there
aren't any examples of how to do this (I know this is probably basic
stuff again, but I haven't dabbled with cgi/http stuff in Python


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