From KitwarePublic
Revision as of 08:44, 29 October 2010 by Jjomier (talk | contribs) (→Schedule a build (build management))
Starting in 1.2, CDash is introducing the CDash API with a minimal function. The API is still in beta and the response code might change in the near future. In CDash 1.7 we are adding a more complex API framework.
General API
This section describes the CDash web API. The CDash REST API is generic and the GET url is usually formatted as follows:
The URL should be encoded accordingly to the HTTP 1.1 protocol and by default the result is returned as a JSON array.
Project API
- Method name: project
- Task name: list
- Description: Returns a list of projects id and names
- Return an array of projects:
- array[]['id'] = project id
- array[]['name'] = project name
Build API
- Method name: build
- Task name: defects
- Project name: mandatory
- Description: Returns an array of build defects over time (currently limited to the 1000 last entries)
- Return an array of builds: array(build);
- build['month'] = month of the build
- build['day'] = day of the build
- build['year'] = year of the build
- build['time'] = time of the build
- build['builderrors'] = number of build errors
- build['buildwarnings'] = number of build warnings
- build['testnotrun'] = number of tests not run
- build['testfailed'] = number of tests failed
- Task name: checkinsdefects
- Project name: mandatory
- Description: Returns an array of build defects and number of updated files for the build
- Currently limited to the last 1000 builds for the project
- Return an array of builds: array(build);
- build['nfiles'] = number of updated files
- build['builderrors'] = number of build errors
- build['buildwarnings'] = number of build warnings
- build['testnotrun'] = number of tests not run
- build['testfailed'] = number of tests failed
Site/Test Failures
- Task name: sitetestfailures
- Project name: mandatory
- Group: optional: Nightly, Continuous, Experimental
- Description: returns an array of sites and corresponding names of the failing tests.
- Return an array of sites with the index being the id of the build
- site['name'] = name of the machine
- site['buildname'] = name of the build
- site['cpu'] = processor speed
- site['memory'] = physical memory
- site['tests'] = name of the tests
Schedule a build (build management)
- Task name: schedule
- project (mandatory) - Name of the project
- repository (mandatory) - Name of the repository
- userid (optional) - User scheduling the build (default is administrator)
- type (option) - Experimental, nighty, continuous (Experimental=0,Nightly=1,Continuous=2)
- module (optional) - Name of the repository module
- tag (optional) - Name of the repository tag
- suffix (optional) - Suffix for the build
- configuration (optional) - Configuration type for compilation (Debug=0,Release=1,RelWithDebInfo=2,MinSizeRel=3)
- cmakeversion (optional) - Version of CMake to use
- siteid (optional) - Specify that the build should run on this site
- osname (optional) - Name of the OS to run the build
- osversion (optional) - Version of the OS to run the build
- osbits (optional) - Number of bits of the target OS
- compilername (optional) - Target compiler
- compilerversion (optional) - Target compiler version
- libraryname (optional) - Library name (currently only one can be specified)
- libraryversion (optional) - Library version
- If none of the optional parameters are not set, CDash will try to schedule the build on any available machines.
- Description: returns an array with the current status of the schedule.
- Return an array containing the status of the scheduling
- status['scheduled'] = returns 1 if the build has been scheduled
- status['statusid'] = internal status id for further reference
Coverage API
- Method name: coverage
Coverage per directory
- Task name: directory
- Project name: mandatory
- Description: Return the number of lines untested per directory
- Returns an array of LOC tested and untested
- array[directory_fullpath]['loctested'] = # loc tested
- array[directory_fullpath]['locuntested'] = # loc untested
User API
- Method name: user
Defects per user
- Task name: defects
- Project name: mandatory
- Description: Return the commit statistics per user
- Returns an array of users
- array[username]['builderrors'] = number of errors and warning caused by the user
- array[username]['builderrorsfiles'] = number of commits causing either a fix or failure of errors and warnings
- array[username]['buildfixes'] = number of fixes (warnings or errors) done by the user
- array[username]['buildfixesfiles'] = number of commits causing either a fix or failure of errors and warnings
- array[username]['testerrors'] = number of test failing caused by the user
- array[username]['testerrorsfiles'] = number of files committed that produced a test failure
- array[username]['testfixes'] = number of test fixed by the user
- array[username]['testfixesfiles'] = number of files committed that fixed a test
- array[username]['neutralfiles'] = number of commits that didn't fix or break the dashboard
Get build id (old API)
- URL:
- Parameters:
- project: name of the project
- site: name of the site
- siteid: override the site name if siteid is provided (optional)
- stamp: time stamp of the build
- name: build name
- Returns:
- <buildid>buildid</buildid>
- <buildid>not found</buildid> if no buildid found
- Example:
Get user id (Old API)
- URL:
- Parameters:
- project: name of the project
- author: name of the cvsuser/svnuser
- Returns:
- <userid>userid</userid>
- <userid>not found</userid> if no user found
- Example: