This page provides the validation schemata and example files for direct submission of XML to CDash.
Examples XML files and Schema
CDash with NUnit
As of version 2.2, CDash partially supports NUnit XML files for tests. The files can either be submitted via CTest or directly uploaded to CDash (via the submit.php as usual). Here's we describe the expected values for direct submission:
<test-results name="C:\Users\hoffman\Work\osera\MDWS\mdo\mdo-test\bin\Debug\mdo-test.dll" total="309" errors="0" failures="1" not-run="0" inconclusive="0" ignored="0" skipped="0" invalid="0" date="2012-11-09" time="13:51:43"> <environment nunit-version="" clr-version="2.0.50727.5456" os-version="Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1" platform="Win32NT" cwd="C:\Users\hoffman\Work\osera\MDWS" machine-name="EXARIUS" user="hoffman" user-domain="KHQ" />
In that case CDash performs the following matches:
- buildname = environment.platform (com.kitware.cjh.Test)
- sitename = environment.machine-name (EXARIUS)
- timestamp = 20121109-1351-Nightly based on the timestamp value (based on + test-results.time)
- = environment.platform
- os.version= environment.os-version
- 'CLR'
- compiler.version= environment.clr-version
The timestamp is always set as Nightly when a direct submission (without CTest) is done to CDash.
CDash with JUnit
As of version 2.2, CDash partially supports NUnit XML files for tests and coverage. The files can either be submitted via CTest or directly uploaded to CDash (via the submit.php as usual). Here's we describe the expected values for direct submission:
CDash uses the <testsuite> tag in order to determine the buildname, sitename and timestamp, necessary for CDash.
<testsuite hostname="ulmus" name="com.kitware.cjh.Test" timestamp="2012-11-20T20:47:07">
In that case CDash performs the following matches:
- buildname = name (com.kitware.cjh.Test)
- sitename = hostname (ulmus)
- timestamp = 20121120-2047-Nightly based on the timestamp value
- =
- os.version= property.os.version
- compiler.version=
CDash support coverage files from JUnit (more information to produce them should be added here). CDash requires CTest in order to submit the files since no information about the build can be determined.
From the following XML:
<sessioninfo id="ulmus-944b97d" start="1353437105692" dump="1353437105736" />
The timestamp start and dump determine the time for the coverage to run.
<counter type="INSTRUCTION" missed="14" covered="8" /> <counter type="LINE" missed="4" covered="2" /> <counter type="COMPLEXITY" missed="4" covered="4" /> <counter type="METHOD" missed="4" covered="4" /> <counter type="CLASS" missed="0" covered="2" />
- Ligne of codes: LINE
- Branches: COMPLEXITY
- Functions: METHOD
CDash doesn't support the coverage per class.
- - Online schema validation tool
- - XML to XSD online tool