[vtkusers] Rotation does not happen about the center of the image

Anja Ende anja.ende at googlemail.com
Mon Sep 18 06:00:57 EDT 2006

Hi everyone,

I am unsable to have the rotations at the center of the image.

So, I have a 3D volume and I pass it through the vtkImageChangeInformation
filter. The CenterImageOn() function si called.

The output of this filter is passed to a vtkImageReslice which has a
transformation object that does the scaling and rotation. The scaling works
fine but when I rotate the image I can see the center being shifyted. I
thought that the vtkTransform should do these operations around the image

I printed the vtkImageReslice index matrix and the original matrix is:

 1 0 0 0
 0 1 0 0
 0 0 1 62
 0 0 0 1

And after a rotation of one degree:

0.999848        -0.0174524 0            0.0776696
0.0174524       0.999848 0              -4.44969
  0 0 1 62
  0 0 0 1

I was hoping that the center would remain stationary....

If anyone can cast some light on how I can manage this, I would be really

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