[Ves] Kiwiviewer Native Build in Eclipse

David Thompson david.thompson at kitware.com
Wed May 28 13:02:49 EDT 2014

Hi DJ,

I'm not sure I understand what is re-running: make or cmake? What CMake version are you using and what generator? I normally use Unix Makefiles or Ninja (without Eclipse) rather than "Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles" or "Eclipse CDT4 - Ninja".


On May 28, 2014, at 11:02 AM, djovanovi . <djovanovi at gmail.com> wrote:

> Is it possible to set-up the Kiwiviewer Build directory such that it allows direct builds within Eclipse without having to reconfigure the files from the Kiwi source ? 
> For background ..  I'm using  4.4 (SDK 19) + NDK r9d and complete the VES build and Kiwiviewer build without any problems. Then when I load into Eclipse (Existing application) it builds fine the firsts time but goes through the entire configuration process apparently running make from scratch. WIth a connected device (Galaxy S5) the apk eventually builds,  transfers, launches, and all models are accessible.
> However, when I modify a file in java source or JNI/c++ (e.g. to add my own models, etc.) I cannot rebuild the appr and I have to run a full clean + run to regenerate the app from scratch. This takes ~5min each time.
> So what I'm looking for is to set up the build directory in such a way that once it's configured by a make, from then on it acts as a standard Android project directory without ever having the reference the Kiwi source directory .... Is this possible ? 
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