[Paraview] Multiple servers

David Doria daviddoria at gmail.com
Wed Jul 15 17:43:38 EDT 2009

On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 3:53 PM, David E
DeMarle<dave.demarle at kitware.com> wrote:
> Yes.
> If you compile paraview from source and turn MPI on, then the server
> process can be run as a parallel job (mpirun -np N pvserver).
> Connecting to that parallel server and using it is no different than
> the client/serial-server case.
> I vaguely recall that the Mac binaries are compiled this way, and can
> be used directly. Mac are treated differently because the MPI library
> on Macs is more standardized than elsewhere.
> David E DeMarle

Hm, I still don't understand. I installed MPI and compiled with MPI on
with 4 computers, call them A,X,Y, and Z. A is where I will be sitting
working, and X,Y, and Z will be running paraview servers "helping" A
to do its work.

So on X,Y, and Z, I run
mpirun -np 1 pvserver (there is only 1 core on each machine - is this
what "number of processes" is looking for?)

Now on computer A, how do I tell it to use all 3 of these servers
(X,Y, and Z)? The only parallelization I've done before is with a
single machine with more than one core, so telling it to run a process
on several threads makes sense in that case - but we didn't tell X,Y,
and Z to work together, so it seems like we now just have 3
independent servers, that have now simply been started with 'mpirun'
instead of with only 'pvserver'!



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