[Cmake] Bug reports?

Brad King brad . king at kitware . com
Wed, 23 Jul 2003 08:32:45 -0400 (EDT)

> That's strange.  I have 1.6.7 (I just fetched if from the web site this
> week), and it does not propagate the --prefix value.  I re-executed the
> configure with a prefix and I used "make -n install" to see what would
> be executed, and there was no sign of my specified prefix (I used a
> strange value and then grep'ed for it (it does show up in
> Bootstrap/config.status in the usual autoconf-generated sed line for
> @prefix@)).

I bet you ran ./configure once without the --prefix, and then a second
time with the prefix.  Because of the bootstrapping nature of the script,
only the prefix specified the first time it is run is ever used.  There is
a completely new bootstrapping script in the CVS version that does not
have this limitation.  It will be released with 1.8.

Try extracting the source tarball again into a fresh tree and run
configure with --prefix.

> The generated Makefile seems to use $DESTDIR to change the installation
> root, but does not include the prefix.

DESTDIR is only used for binary package maintainers.  It allows one to run
"make install DESTDIR=/some/non/root/directory" and have the files
installed into DESTDIR/PREFIX.  This is useful for creating installation
tarballs without root access or disrupting any current installation on the
machine building the package.
