[Cmake] Bug reports?

William Gropp gropp at mcs . anl . gov
Wed, 23 Jul 2003 04:35:42 -0500

At 02:55 PM 7/22/2003 -0400, Andy Cedilnik wrote:
>Hi Bill,
>The bug page is: http://www . cmake . org/Bug
>I will add a link at some point. Sorry. The bug reporting is in the
>testing stage, so we have not done nearly as much advertising, as we
>What version of CMake are you testing? The CMake up to early 1.7 uses
>autoconf for bootstrapping. The current CVS version uses shell script
>called bootstrap, which does obey things like prefix...

Ah, I'm using the 1.6 version since I wanted a stable version for building 
VTK.  I'm running under Windows XP/cygwin .  I'm currently stymied with an 
error (in the Examples/Tutorial/Step1/Cxx directory) that claims that 
VTKConfig.cmake is not found in the directory specified by VTK_DIR, but 
when I do ls -l $VTK_DIR/VTKConfig.cmake , the file is present and 
accessible (and I did remember to do export VTK_DIR).  Should I pull the 
CVS version and start over?  Or is there a way to debug this to figure out 
why cmake doesn't find the file?  Thanks!
