[vtkusers] Update point in real time

osm815 omalik91 at gmail.com
Thu Jun 13 17:02:41 EDT 2019

Hi everyone,

I'm very new to VTK. I've found it to be quite complicated but have been
familiarizing myself by playing with the tutorial examples (in C++).

The task I'm working on is to have a single point that changes positions in
real time. I have a simple VTK program that draws the initial point.

I have a separate C++ program that I wrote which continuously updates the
position I want the point to move to (x and y coordinates). These values are
obtained from a mouse sensor. I use an infinite while loop to continuously
get the values I need.

>From what I've been able to see, the only way I can update the position of
the point after rendering is to use a callback function. I am using a timer
callback so I can repeatedly enter the function to update the point

My issue is that I am not sure how to link the two programs. How can I
initialize and render my point and at the same time also read coordinates
from the mouse sensor?

I would appreciate any help and can gladly offer more details if required.


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