[vtkusers] Solid Voxelization with VTK

David Gobbi david.gobbi at gmail.com
Tue Sep 25 06:20:07 EDT 2018

Hi Berti,

Just a few extra comments about the three "preprocessing" steps that you
apply in your sample code:

For vtkPolyDataNormals, you might want to add
normalsFilter->AutoOrientNormalsOn(), since this option is specifically
designed to fix inside-out shapes like the Eiffel tower model.  And
normalsFilter->SplittingOff() will make this filter work faster.  It would
also be good if the comment mentioned that the purpose of the filter is to
enforce consistent orientation of the polygons, and that the filter is
optional if all the polygons are already correctly oriented.

The vtkStripper should be removed, unless you actually saw that it provides
some benefit.  The vtkPolyDataToImageStencil class should give exactly the
same results for triangles as for strips.  And vtkTriangleFilter is only
needed if the input polygons are not flat.

Thanks again for the code,
 - David
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